I'm gonna commission you someday (hopefully)

Just you wait

(this is a threat)

(I love your art!!)

I would love to be pinged when these open back up :3 !

of course :D!! 

open again :D!

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yeah ofc :3!!! will probs be open again mid april ^^!!

reopened :3!

ahhh your art is so pretty,,, I've been wanting to comm you for a while! 

I'd love to snag a fullbody and a chibi if possible! I'll post the forms when I get home ahhh

awee tysm ^^!! can certainly do that when you send the forms <3!!

I also just clued in that we both have a 'leaf' in our name ^^

type of comm (ie, full or bust): fullbody

character reference: Human/elf!

pose and/or expression: happy or proud if possible! big ol family guy ^^

extra (opt): feel free to give him different clothing! the pants in his reference image are just a pair of elastic banded sweats! (also no need to do his scars if you would prefer not to!)


type of comm (ie, full or bust): chibi

character reference: Cat or Humanoid! (I'll leave it up to you ^^)

pose and/or expression: joyful or smug

extra (opt): if doing humanoid feel free to simplify/give her different clothing! she's got a flowy fish-tail, similar to a veil-tail goldfish ^^

can totally accept these ahh ^^!! will dm you once i’m able to start sketching o7!!

Alright sweet! Just lemme know when to pay ^^

yeah!! you can send the payment to [email protected] whenever you’re able to ^^! if you wanna wait until you see the sketch that also works :3!

2 Replies

hi! ur art is so lovely AUGH ive been eyeing these for awhile but i wanted to ask if u would do smth like these as commissions ? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/693585051283095655/1199190986589487194/IMG_8424.png?ex=65c1a4a3&is=65af2fa3&hm=9e550343e721bfa8a4ac63b1c492d2a79b297c6a4db0ead755299a20ea042a26&

basically like the fullbody w the little writing and an accessory or so — and if so how much that would be??? 

the writing and accessory aren’t too much for me to add so i’d say still just $25 :3!

oh perfect! I’ll still give a some extra for the work but here are the filled out forms!! sorry it’s a total info dump 

character reference: https://toyhou.se/19179860.spiderpaw

pose and/or expression:

smth similar to this, js timid! both for pose and expression https://toyhou.se/19179860.spiderpaw/58238623

extra (opt):

for the writing bits!



accessories are white seagull feathers and white lavender ^_^ 

- pupils different sizes + colors

-white lashes

-paws splay slightly outward

( opt text to add if u need 1 more ): -wing-like back marking

and last could bg color be like a maroon-ish? 


character reference:


pose and/or expression:

something sweet/happy for the expression and just a bouncy-ish pose ( like this https://toyhou.se/19179855.starlingpaw/58238632 kinda, she doesn’t need to be mid action or anything just smth along those lines ! )

extra (opt):



accessories are black bat orchid and butterfly wing

  • ears lean outwards
  • curly cheek tufts
  • long tail fur

and for background color if that could be like a teal! or whatever u thinks best. im a little stumped. she has some art in her gallery w a similar color tho

these characters are both so lovely ^^! can totally accept these forms and will get to work as soon as i can :3! for further discussion/wips would you be alright with being dmed here? (or another platform if you’d prefer!)

perfect! my most preferred platform is probably discord as it’s easiest, my tag is lovefiless ( but do lmk if u don’t have discord! here works perfectly fine aswell ^_^ )

awesome!! i do have discord so that works for me :3! my tag is sashwuzhere, i’ll message you and let you know once i’ve started your comm <3!!