K3-LY / "Kelly"



7 months, 25 days ago


A couple of years ago I had an idea for a dating sim where all the romanceable characters would be robot girls, and while you should be very doubtful I'll ever make that idea into a full game, Kelly here is a character I conceptualized as a romanceable character in the game.

Kelly is a lot like a typical mean girl. Her personality makes it seem like she learned all human behavior from watching Mean Girls. She's stubborn, uptight, and incredibly snobby. She thinks -- no -- she KNOWS she's better than you and will routinely say as such. She's manipulative and loves humiliating others and seeing others humiliate themselves. She may be a computer and could access any site or app with her own mind at any given time, but she will always be on her phone giving you that signature annoyed look so that you know she doesn't give a crap about anything you're telling her. Or... does she? Maybe she's not so bad once you get to know her? Maybe she'll warm up to you!

If Kelly were in that dating sim I was talking about, she'd very much be a tsundere archetype. Harsh, rude, mean, and hates your guts at first, but slowly warms up to you over time.