Lloyd Choilleich



9 months, 7 days ago


Lloyd Choilleich



150 (Physically 19)

Seedrian Inkdrian Hybrid

Calm yet Strong





Lloyd is one of the Children of Yggdrasil, a great tree goddess whose roots reach all corners of the world, and yet the main body is hidden in a world like no other. He is considered the prince and guardian of his woods which are simply referred to as Mystic Woods, where spirits and fae live peaceful lives. This forest's trees grow from the roots of Yggdrasil and are one of many and each forest has its own Child of Yggdrasil guarding them.

Lloyd himself is a spirit, known as a "Spirit of Blooming Flowers", a herald of spring, and a "Spirit of Early Spring". It's because of this that he ages much slower than typical seedrians and inkdrians.

Lloyd is a quiet individual who does not say much, however, he has a strong presence and those who know of his status are to show him the proper respect. Many people know what spirits are capable of due to those who do not suffering the consequences.










Lloyd is a soft-spoken young man, however, he has a very powerful presence as a Child of Yggdrasil which gives him the status of someone god-like. This is not just because of this title and power, but also because of his personality, one glance from his mystical eyes can send a chill down a mortal man's spine. Despite how socially cold he can come off as, he is very empathetic and does care about the denizens of his woods. He will go out of his way to look after them and help them even though he does not need to. However, this empathy does not really stretch to mortals, but this is mainly due to second-hand accounts as he does not leave his woods, not so much because he can not, but more so that he is too nervous to. He is more than willing to show care though to those who manage to make their way to Mystic Forest and earn his trust.

Lloyd, despite how young he is in spirit years, has a strong penchant for manners. He is always being polite and cleanly and becomes frustrated whenever he sees someone being gross or impolite. Those who do not follow proper manners while speaking to him will result in him dismissing them unless they clean up their act. Lloyd is also rather inflexible, he is quite stubborn in the way he acts and lives. Despite friends always trying to tug him by the arm to do something interesting, Lloyd shows little interest. This inflexibility can be seen as bothersome to others as Lloyd would rarely give anything new a chance, but the young man is always rather polite and direct with his feelings it can be rather hard to stay mad at him.




Inkdrian- Crape Myrtle

Seedrian- Blue Rose





  • The Gem on his Off-Body Crown Marking is an Anti-Mover Mode Pendant that typical seedrians wear.
  • The ends of his hair always curl to some degree.
  • The Off-Body Markings on his back and behind his arms are able to move at will like tendrils.




Lloyd is the child of the mighty Goddess World Tree Yggdrasil. He is one of many divine spirit children born to her and is one of both inkdrian and seedrian blood. He is the Prince of Spirits of Mystic Woods, a forest born from the roots of his mother. He holds the duty of watching over and ruling the large magical forest that exists in a special pocket of reality that many cannot normally reach and is only accessible from Fairy Forest which is hard for mortals to traverse itself. He watches over the magical forest and the many spirits, tending to everyone with a gentle hand.


Under construction...


Under construction...


  • The name “Choilleich” means “Guards the Forest”, all of Yggdrasil’s children hold this name and many can recognize it.
  • Lloyd means “Grey Haired” but also “Sacred”.
  • In the Phantasia AU, “Mover Mode” is considered a long-forgotten power that seedrians once held, the newer generations being born without it. Some still hold its power, but many do not. Mover Mode also does not kill the user and the transformation is reversable for both male and female.
  • Lloyd is known as the "Rose Dragon" in his Mover Mode Form.
  • Lloyd’s off body markings that stem from his arms and back are capable of being tentacle-like appendages. It can lift things and hit things.
  • Lloyd has one of the original Life Stones. These stones were originally used to contain the power of Mover Mode, to prevent the wearer from using it. However, in modern day Novarae, the design is repurposed into good luck charms with many not remembering its origins.
  • Lloyd likes to place his stone on his crown, which is one of his off-body markings. He takes it off whenever he needs Mover Mode.
  • Lloyd’s favorite book genre is fantasy adventure, funnily enough.
  • The reasoning behind Lloyd’s blue roses was that I was trying to think of something “mythical” for him.


Aurelia Permilian [ Bestfriend/Advisor ]

Aurelia is Lloyd's personal advisor and his senior surprisingly enough. However, Aurelia herself is also a rather young spirit and barely suitable to be an advisor. However, she is also Lloyd's best friend and knows him better than anyone is always trying to do fun things with him. Lloyd does not like doing new things, but he will not exactly refuse to spend time with Aurelia. She is so far the only one who has ever been successful at getting past Lloyd's inflexibility.

Baothghalach [ Neighboring Princette ]

Lloyd does not have much of a personal relationship with Lachy as he does a business one. Due to Fairy Forest being the gateway to Mystic Woods, Lloyd has to interact with the Archfey and her child quite often. If you were to ask Lloyd, he would have little to say about Lachy, but if you ask Lachy, they will make their jealousy of Lloyd's status VERY known.