Montague Nash (god of wrath)



8 months, 30 days ago


Montague is the god of wrath and demon leader for the ring of wrath, his pet friend is a cat named Rita both are meant to be in the wrath place.

Sex/Gender:  Male / Male.
Age:34 - Born 7th of July.
Appearance: Solid with dark skin, he has a controlling feel about him.
He has triangular, dark brown eyes, a square jaw, and narrow lips. He has short, kinky, brown hair.
He has round hips, toned legs, and narrow feet. 
Personality: Unkind, loyal, inhibited, and hostile.
Social Class: Upper middle class.
Education: Can't read.
Marital status: Divorced (Heterosexual)
Job: Repairman - 87% satisfied
Financial status: Well-off.
Religious view: Atheist.
Conflict: "War is wrong".
Physical/Health: Has a cleft palate.
Quirks: Never forgets names, and hums whenever he's doing something.
Likes: Smoking.
Dislikes: Pins and needles, people who follow the crowd, and being laughed at.
Afraid of: Touch (Haphephobia), and Kissing.
Self-satisfaction:51% - Decreasing. 
Fitness level:36% - Stable.
Motivator: The desire for material gains.
Skills: Good at stealth. Good at soccer.
Colours: Likes Sky blue.
Music: Likes Rock.
Foods: Likes lots of fishhook
k Genre:Comics
Animal: Gyrfalcon

1. Have a voice that significantly changes pitch depending on their mood.
2. Usually cross-dress.
3. Have an unnatural eye color for their race.
4. Have a facial tick.
5. Are very gentle.
6. Wander/pace when bored.
7. Usually over-analyse things.
8. Have unintelligible speech.
9. Are very friendly.
10. Drink a lot of soda.
14. Stay calm under pressure.
15. Run at the first sign of trouble.
16. Make poor decisions.
11. Burst into song at random times.
12. Are a good dancer.
13. Have never seen snow.