
9 months, 2 days ago



"Let's get this shit! Yeah!"

name: Azi
nickname: Az, Zii
age: 21
gender: Agender He/Ze/They
species: Demon
orientation: Pansexual
relationship status: Dating Vishna <3
occupation: Unemployed

Azi doesn't know what the word calm means, constantly being energetic and looking for the next thing to do or next way to get himself in trouble. He loves fun and creating a ruckus but he always seems to bounce back out of situations he gets himself into. He loves his friends and would do anything to keep them safe.


Outspoken and comedic, Azi loves to joke around with the group, loving to play pranks and mock the rest. It is all in good fun, however, and ze truly care about zir friends. Ze never care what others think, taking pride in zir own uniqueness.

Azi has the ability of improved agility and dexterity, seemingly able to duck and weave through any obstacle course at quick speeds


  • Spicy Food
  • Cigarettes & Booze
  • Rollerskates
  • Jobs
  • Classical music
  • Seafood

  • Uses zir ability to play pranks on zir friends, sometimes taking objects from them and keeping it out of reach, especially from Koa.
  • Loves rollerskating and is incredibly good at it with help from zir ability
  • When not with zir friends, ze can always be seen with headphones in, and enjoys rock, punk and metal music.
  • Used to work at a music shop but got fired for stealing records from them
Design Notes

  • The tips of their horns are sharp, be careful!
  • He doesn't always wear his beanie, but it's always with him
  • He's most often wearing Rollerskates but not all the time


Azi grew up as a pretty good kid all things considered, doing well in school and getting along with most. As a child, they had a rambunctious, troublemaking attitude they still have today, yet much less so.


It was in their childhood their attitude seemed to shift. They felt as though things had gone too fast and that all of a sudden, people were working out their careers and taking large strides to follow their dream jobs. However, Azi wasn't ready to grow up or get a job. They didn't want that kind of life, though they felt forced to. It was normal to want this, wasn't it? When they were 16, they got hired by a music shop that their now-friend Koa worked at, being how the two met.


Azi was recently fired from that job and is currently doing freelance music producing for not much money at all, just enough to keep them going. They were very happy to have had the job, however, as it was how they met Koa and then the rest of their very close friend group, hanging out with the others all the time.


Vishna Dating

Azi doesn't know what they'd do without Vishna and can't imagine loving anyone else. Their relationship is as healthy as one can be and the pair enjoy getting drunk with each other and having cigarettes dangerously close to their bedsheets. The two are living together in their small studio apartment. It's one of the main places the group hangs out.

Koa Best Friends

After meeting as colleagues in their jobs 5 years ago, this pair are inseparable, being best friends. Their unmatched energy and passion make them as close as can be, the two loving to stir up trouble as they go.

Toru Close Friends

Azi feels quite sorry for Toru’s past and what they had to go through and therefore tries to make their group a comfortable place for them. Whilst they can't reign in their energy a lot of the time, they're able to when the two of them are alone. He's apologised for his energy a few times, but Toru insists they enjoy their company.

Kaido Close Friends

Azi met Kaido through Koa and while the pair didn't immediately hit it off, they're now very close. Azi often seeks advice from Kaido as he is arguably the wisest of the group when he's not high out of his mind. Azi is easily comforted when upset by the pair smoking on a moonlit rooftop.