Gomer's Comments

I would love to adopt this cute duck!
Noticed in your rules you’d like to be notified if using someone else’s PayPal, I always use my partner‘s paypal since we live together and I haven’t had time/didn’t see the need to set up my own account yet I hope that’s okay he’s GarlicGoat if you wish to ask him about this

Hello, thanks for letting me know, as long as you have permission and consent to use, that is ok, I have just had issues in the past with people using other peoples funds without consent and being charged refunds because of this, so I appreciate you letting me know :3

I will put this one aside for you, Please send $7USD to my Paypal: [email protected]
let me know when sent and I will transfer them over, thanks so much!

Money should’ve sent 👍

Thanks, I will transfer them over now :3