Art PURGE's Comments

hello there im so in love w this guy and maybe him..
i can offer art, here my samples

Omg your style is adorable!! I think I could give you any of them or both, depending on the amount and format you could offer for them!

how many art would u liek for them both? 

oww that's a hard question, I don't want to ask for too much... Would two matching icons and two chibis be okay? You just can say what format is the most comfortable for you and we can discuss from here

yeah absolutely can do that, do u mind sending which characters u want drawn???

Okay! We can continue in PM on TH or on discord (mamochka_pchela)

2 Replies

oh and about characters. you can choose any from that you find comfortable to draw, and I'll say which are prior for me or with who to draw (most of them have couples, my gf just doesn't have TH to upload them)

Hello, thanks for offering!! Your style is adorable, I'll think about pink robot and dolphin but I for sure can give you this one! What could you offer for  them alone? I am not refusing your offer,,, I wanted to ask just in case :"D

Just for the characters you tell me I can make 2 icons, no problem, think about it :)

Hello, sorry for the late reply!! I think I'll agree to your offer for one character and I'll take a bit more time for others,, 

You can DM me here or on discord! (mamochka_pchela)

Okay :)