orelia moreau (wiki page)



11 months, 7 days ago


Orelia Moreau


Orelia Moreau
NameOrelia Lucia Moreau
AliasOre (Or-ee)
Lieutenant Moreau (By all)
Nuisance (by Levi)
Other spellings(info)
Biological Information
Age27 (850)
31 (854)
34 (857)
Height163 cm
BirthplaceThe Underground
Professional Information
Former OccupationPetty Theif, Caretaker
AffiliationSurvey Corps
Former AffiliationN/A
Grad rank4
Other Information
Titan killsSolo: 0
In team: 0
Total: 0
EpisodeEpisode Name
Anime MovieMovie Name
Acting Information
Voice ActorSakaya Ohara (Japanese)
Anne Yatco (English)
Quote1.pngLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a laoreet magna. Phasellus rhoncus eros id augue gravida, sed lobortis..Quote2.png
— Orelia Moreau

Orelia Moreau (Kanji, Rōmaji) is a fan character for the Attack on Titan anime series. She is a member of the Survey Corps and a Lieutenant in the Special Operations (Special OPs) Squad under Levi Ackerman.


Though the counterpart she's always seen with (i.e Raeliana Blanche) is much smaller than her, Orelia is still a fairly petite woman, standing at a mere 163cm. She's often seen in her Survey Corps uniform with a tan button up shirt. On duty, she's also never seen without her signature red, fluffy pigtail hairstyle, curtain-bang style fringe hanging just above her eyes at eyebrow level. Even on her off days, it's rare that the woman lets her hair down, but when she does, it falls just past her shoulders. Her comrades and fellow Scouts routinely note that the woman always has a displeased -- 'resting bitch face' -- look on her features, with her eyebrows closely knit together  and lips curled into a displeased snarl at almost all times. In the rare moments she has a smile on her face, she wears a signature mischevious smirk that matches her incredibly fiery and defiant demeanor. On her off duty days, she can be seen  

     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi

     Growing up in the underground, Orelia didn’t have the easiest upbringing. An absent father left her mother to raise her alone, trying her best to raise a young girl in poverty. She knew very little about her father, though her mother had always been quite unwilling to share details; to this day, she doesn’t know, nor care if the man is dead or alive -- regardless, it means nothing to her. Very early on did Orelia learn that blood ties meant absolutely nothing; it enraged her to watch her mother work tirelessly and relentlessly to feed the two of them.

     At the age of fourteen, Oreliana’s world turned upside down, watching her mother get mugged right in front of her. She watched on as her mother thrashed and fought back, trying to buy her daughter enough time to run away, even pleading with the girl to run while she still had the chance. She had no choice but to run, hearing the sound of her mother crying and bleeding out behind her, and spent the next few years of her life adapting to the world, learning how to fend for herself with one goal in mind: getting out of the Underground by absolutely any means necessary.

     After four cruel years of fending for herself, eighteen year old Orelia decided enough was enough; using the guise of a sick and injured woman, she was able to use the woman’s money to pay her toll to access the stairs. Only after faking residency above ground, did she realize what she had to do. It was a foolish and impulsive choice, but the promise of enlisting in the military for food and a bed to come home to -- assuming she could stay alive -- was just something she couldn’t pass up; furthermore, joining the military police, while incredibly selfish of her, was something she would begin to strive for. Living without a worry in the world was something she craved.

     By now, she had become her own worst enemy, looking to make something out of the life she had already deemed pointless. She worked tirelessly, ranking fourth in her class. Given the opportunity to become an MP, she only declined at the last minute on an impulsive decision. She decided that, since she was going to die someday soon anyway, she might as well have her death mean something. So, she continued to push forward once more, opting to join the Survey Corps instead, serving under Erwin Smith’s squad.

A Choice With No Regrets

     Orelia is hesitant as Erwin decides the Scout regiment will venture into the Underground to go after some high-profile thugs. She argues that it’s a job for the MPs, doing whatever she could to avoid going back to the hellhole she had once called home. The rest of the Scouts find her hesitation a bit odd, though, she does her best to play it off as to not reveal her secret. Hange asks if she’s afraid of the dark, and she lies straight through her teeth and says ‘maybe.’ It’s enough to deter their suspicions for the time being, though, she has no choice but to enter the Underground in search of Ackerman and his group of thugs. She is able to chase after them and aid in the capture of Isabel, though, as she regroups with the rest of scouts, she quickly realizes there’s an ulterior motive here and that Erwin is, perhaps, entertaining the idea of recruiting them. Untrusting, yet ultimately giving them what little trust she can offer, she accepts them into the Scouts, finding herself thankful they were sent to Flagen’s squad and not Erwin’s.

     During the 23rd Recon mission, she can be seen following closely behind Erwin and the rest of her squad. Later, she’s taken aback and horrified at the realization the new recruits were a part of the abnormal titan’s mass casualties, with Levi being the sole survivor. She watches on as Levi and Erwin begin to talk, though she and Miche are the first to act as Levi draws a blade to the Captain. As Miche grabs the other Scout, Orelia wastes no time in drawing a blade of her own, pointing it at his neck without hesitation or mercy. She’s baffled by Erwin’s choice of allowing the man to stay with the Scouts.

Ilse's Notebook

When trying to recruit Levi and Miche into helping her capture a titan, Hange turns to Orelia and Raeliana. Ore is the only one who seems to consider the idea, though, much to Hange’s disappointment, the redhead only says she’ll think about it only if she can feed Levi to the titan first. After he scoffs at her and tells her to go to hell, she’s there to witness Hange’s outburst with the Commander, begging and pleading that he’ll reconsider allowing her to take a titan alive. Ore doesn’t say much, only making a comment to Erwin in passing about how Hange wouldn’t let him saying ‘no’ stop her. He asks if she’d listen if he told her no, to which she sticks her tongue out and shakes her head before declaring that she ‘probably wouldn’t listen to him either.’

She’s then seen chasing after Hange with the rest of Levi Squad after the woman decides to diverge from the mission. They track the titan into a dense forest. Watching Levi save Oluo from almost getting devoured by a titan leaves a bad taste in her mouth, and she scolds Oluo for being so stupid and allowing himself to get distracted. However, she, herself, is quickly distracted and shocked at the revelation of the group finding a former scout’s notebook.

Arc Name 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi.

Arc Name 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi.

Arc Name 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi.

Arc Name 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ante quis lorem sodales mattis a hendrerit orci. Sed euismod ex sed felis hendrerit fringilla. Sed tristique ex libero, nec tempus leo imperdiet nec. In eget accumsan justo. Morbi viverra iaculis dolor, sit amet egestas neque molestie at. Ut non orci eu velit ultricies volutpat. Nulla facilisi.

Ability 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.

Ability 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.

  • Erwin Smith - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.
  • Raeliana Blanche - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.
  • Levi Ackerman - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.
  • Hange Zoë - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.
  • Name - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempus nisi sed magna rutrum ornare. Ut ac hendrerit nisi, a ultrices ante. Mauris neque ligula, sodales vel eros id, aliquam laoreet urna. Duis eu ante tristique lacus tincidunt volutpat. Nulla fermentum fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse finibus urna lectus, a volutpat magna euismod at. Praesent eu ex vel massa auctor tincidunt a ac purus. Etiam eu purus est. Sed bibendum magna elementum, commodo diam vel, tempus orci. Vivamus eu lacus iaculis, commodo felis id, sollicitudin dolor. Maecenas ultricies ultrices dui efficitur dictum. Sed eros lorem, facilisis sit amet euismod et, tempor ac quam.

Failed attempts

  • Orelia's favorite color is red solely because of her hair color. She'll defend the color until she dies even though she much prefers neutral colors like greys and even greens. 
  • Orelia's zodiac sign is Aries.
  • Her MBTI personality type is ESFJ.
  • She has a sweet tooth and prefers sweet treats (i.e chocolates) over anything savory.
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here

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