hero (πŸŒ€ πŸŒ€ πŸŒ€)



With these hands, I’ve picked a rose and have stopped its life. Only now I understand, it’s not what’s right. Will you forgive me, my dearest?

Hero Caecilia

Broken Oath of Styx

[ Ξ²Ξ―ΞΏΟ‚ ]

Even if the heavens say I must die, if that sword does not pierce my heart and nail me dead on the ground, then I am still alive.







male [he/him]




dec 6




sag ☼ leo ☾ leo ‴


chaotic good


hubris /ˈh(j)uːbrΙͺs/. (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.

Hero, a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. That indeed, is who Hero is. At the core of his being, he has a heart of gold. He strives to protect, and demonstrates genuine care for others. To be able to help others is the greatest gift he can offer. However, he is fueled by hubris. Hero is confident, but his confidence extends to having it seems like he is arrogant and full of himself. And to some extent… that isn’t wrong. He is certain of his abilities and full of pride. Hero is someone who can and will take charge, he is the most independent person you’ll find. There is never a time he will seek the support of others. This is, however, to a fault. He will fight gods if it means proving his point or to demonstrate his skills.

Courage is a common characteristic of a hero. Unafraid to take charge as a leader or to face the jaws of a lion, Hero leads into battle calm, knowing he will be victorious. Perhaps in some regards, though it leads to carelessness for his own safety, it ensures he remains unphased in difficult times.

What is not known to many, however, is how much jealousy a man is capable of. With an ego the size of the sun (perhaps even larger), though not insecure, he gets upset when what is his is taken. A side only seen by those he loves dearly, or those who cross him.



  • Hair is tied up at the back.
  • The swirls and markings on his body are not tattoos or birth marks. They are a strange form of scars that blend seamlessly into his skin.
  • Two piercings on left year, 5 on right.
  • Right eyebrow has a cut.
  • On the inside of both his wrists is 'LIAR' carved.
  • He likes comfortable clothing.
  • Able to maintain great skin complexion using just tap water in the morning.



β€” on behalf of kings and all who are in positions of authority β€” so that we might live out our lives in tranquility and calmness with complete reverence and godly dignity, fuck you.

The gods are real. The gods since the dawn of time, have been held in high regard. The sole beings who ensure the Earth continues to spin. Beneath them is the rest. Trivial people with trivial lives. A droplet in an ocean of time. Descending from the south, a woman lived in the north as an artist. Though she was a life that would come to end shortly, a god took an interest in her. Yet, she did not care for him. What was more desirable than one who was hard to get? At some point, a child was born. One who was foretold by oracles to do great things, but also has the potential to bring ruin. Left alone to raise this child, the woman didn’t mind. She didn’t expect anything more from a god.

Growing up, Hero was the perfect golden child. He excelled in academics, combat, hunting and gathering, and was adored by all in the city. By the tender age of 15, he had already begun going on quests. If there was anyone who could print himself into the pages of history itself, it was him.

And he did just that. Stories began and continued to grow only with time. Wars, conquest, vanquising dragons and monsters alike - how simple it was for a hero of the likes of… Hero. The gods won’t often reveal what they want, nor do they share their designs. Rather, they trust you will see their sign. Tales tell of strange black sludge souls existed for millenia. Prophecies suggest that their sole purpose is to take back their lives and cause destruction in their path. Yet, for souls who no longer belong in the current world, the latter was all that was fulfilled.

From the belly of a dragon consumed by such souls, a hero carved his way out with a sword. Vanquishing the souls, the heavens recognised one of their own. Under the Caecilia court, he was offered a seat along with the divine. How repulsive he was, however, to reject such an offer. To believe he was greater than them. To believe he alone had what it took to save the world. If the Hero were to take on a sin, then may hubris be his guide.

Defeat him, the monster, please help us β€” become a hero β€” don't you think it's time to make your dream come true, no?

The classic tale of a hero. Brave, strong, adored by all. Life was just that. Yet, even the heart of a hero is not immune to the effects of love. Enamoured with a woman, the two were eventually to be wed. Such times were blissful, until his mother was taken by death due to unforeseen illness. Seeking vengeance on not just the divine, but death itself, Hero believed he could defy death. With the promise of a life with his beloved, he marched to the gates of death, ready to retrieve his mother. He was not about to let such natural circumstances take who he cared for. Close yet so far, he fell into the river Styx, the main underworld river that the ferryman Charon would take the souls of the dead across into Hades. Dragging Charon along with himself, souls clamoured at his body trying to drown him. The man whose soul bared countless sins. Fighting for his way out, it was impossible. Yet, the impossible happened just as well.

Travelling across Styx to follow her lover, when she saw he was struggling to escape from the river she dove in for him. At the price of her life,the hero of Caecilia was saved at the price of his lover. Cutting his way out from the river, in hand was a sword forged from the soul of his first love. The one who gave her life to protect him. Covering his body were marks of souls trying to claim him. This was his punishment for believing he could defy the fundamental nature of how the world works.

Bathing in Styx and surviving, he was to bear the Curse of Achilles. Yet, on top of losing his mother and lover, he sought more. Forming an oath with the river styx, a secret that exists between himself and the river. Should that oath be broken, a fate worse than death was to await him.

Unfortunately, life continued. And so must Hero’s. With the sword in hand, he continued slaying evil in its wake and dispelling the souls that had lost their way from Styx.

When the season of the forget-me-nots comes, I won’t regret making this sinful wish of mine.

β€œYou shall be betrayed by one who calls you love.”

A prophecy of sorts. Hero always believed in them. Yet no matter how careful he was, at some point, the sword that ventured with him for centuries was hidden away. Betrayed by one who he began to love, time revealed that such love was fake. All done in order to separate him from the sword. Searching for the sword, he was fueled by rage and spite. Unable to care for the sword, he feared how long it would take for it to wither and crack before it was truly broken.

Wandering among mankind, although determined, he surely has mellowed. That is, until he found his sword.


Here’s only one dream, but it’s been ripped at the seam. This world will end in ruin.

In ancient times, the manifestation of lost souls were known to drive people into psychosis/mania/schizophrenia. They were initially created due to a man's love who was taken wrongfully by a river. Unsuccessful, he carries the weight of their dreams and desires. Both the good and bad. Those souls over years have grown to hate him, wanting him to disappear. Only then, may they have the chance to be free and survive. Yet, such disdain rises from the unknown. What happens after purification? There is no creation, being, or entity that does not fear the unknown. Even death himself must wonder what happens after the final page. In truth, being allowed to enter the next samsara is quite beautiful.


Danaides Cecilia

A sword worthy of a true hero. Danaides referring to the tale of the daughters of death who represent the futility of a repetitive task that can never be completed. Cecilia referring to his court but also being blind; that is, blinded by love believing he can defy death and the gods.












There's no such thing as heroes. They are made up by those who win wars and are fortunate enough to be recorded in the pages of history. No one who wears a crown comes in peace.


  • Spotify
  • Pintrest
  • No true ethnicity, but if there was one Thai/Korean.
  • Somehow related to September, Vel hasn't thought this a whole lot except same godly parent probably.
  • Over the years has learnt many languages, most stuck to his brain are ancient scripts, English, Latin, German, Greek and Arabic.
  • In his home, there is an extensive library filled with ancient scripts and documents.
  • Stupidly large stomach, he loves food and eats an absurd amount. An all you can eat buffets worst nightmare.
  • Talks to birds. Do they understand him? It seems like they do.
  • He's very amused by street magic and took it upon himself to learn how to perform it. Finds the idea of magic without being real magic fascinating.
  • He likes sweet and spicy food, in particular he likes red/green curry, khao tom mud, bua loi and khanom tom.
  • Comfort food is miyuk guk and tea. In particular, he loves black tea with milk.
  • Hero has a soft spot for children.



Those who have known each other for decades can become strangers in a day. We've met by chance, and we may part by chance. If we like each other then we shall continue to meet; if we don't, then we shall part.


Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin. United we stand, or divided we shall fall. To war we go.


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