Winston Nothli



1 year, 6 days ago


A blindseer, azureflames, teleportation, tiran (hallowtide). 

A confident tiran, with the unique ability to set his fist afire into battle. His flames burn bright with his faith, his fist imbued with Solar (pressure, battle spirit, conquerors haki)

Winston is a forceful man, with a quick barbed tongue. Renowned for his duels and his temper, his keen intellectual and carnality all of which are extremely popular within his Guild and their patrons. All above, Winston is a passionate man, with a hot temper that often led him to duels and grudges, but in equal measure this is also made him deeply loyal to those he cared about. Although he was a very serious man, he had a very laid back easygoing attitude, taking anything that came with his stride, but he wasn't incapable of being deadly serious when the situation insisted upon it. The duelling partner of Vergil. 

Winston's overall attitude was that life is short, and one must enjoy all of life's pleasures while one can. He would rather live life on his own terms, openly challenging his enemies and risk destruction rather than live by someone else's rules. It 
