Daedalus Stormbow



9 months, 17 hours ago


Daedalus Stormbow

A bubbly terrarian that loves phighting with their friends.


"Try dodging this one!"

A bubbly little phighter.

They go by They/Them, and try to look as androgynous as possible.

They're ranged, and focus on bombarding targets from above while not getting hit themselves. Preddy squishy


  • Oranges and Worm Food !!!
  • friends !
  • The Corruption !!
  • Boombox !!! /p
  • Rocket Arena
  • oranges again !!


  • mean people :(
  • the Crimson. and desert
  • subspace haha
  • being misgendered :(
  • skeletron prime. bleh
  • the druid. why is bro so scared of them :(


  • They eat oranges with the peel.
  • From all their time spent in the corruption (and from eating worm food), they've actually gotten corruped themself. They are oblivious to this fact
  • They actually prefer guns to bows
  • They think all healing potions taste gross, like rotten milk, but its only because the healing potion tries to heal the corruption inside of them. The corruption does not like trying to be healed.
  • They're a pretty good artist. They like drawing with charcoal.


"Try dodging this one!"

Sweet and bubbly. They always try to be nice to everyone, regardless of how they're treated in return. They love building, and back home, had made their entire base by hand.

In a phighting setting, they are an all or nothing phighter. They try to deal as much damage as possible before someone manages to take out their speedy ass.


  • Pretty small
  • 3 horns instead of just 2
  • little hip wings !!!
  • perminant :3 face


  • Gives people way more chances than they deserve
  • Oblivious
  • Thinks that, if they wait long enough, maybe people wont be mean to them
  • Too trusting


  • Drawing
  • Building
  • Fighting Bosses. For fun
  • literally anything Corruption related


  • Ranged weapons
  • Aerial Combat
  • Dodging. what are they, a summoner?
  • Animal handling. Best with mobs from the Corruption. I wonder why
  • Building with detail
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent


  • Eye Color Dirty Pastel Purple
  • Skin Color white
  • Height 5'8"
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"Try dodging this one!"

In Terraria, with their human appearance, they look androgynous, with short brown hair and green eyes. They have a hollowed armor set with fishron wings, and they brandish a Daedalus Stormbow with holy arrows.

In Roblox, with their phighter appearance, they have 3 horns, two big blue ones on the sides of their head that lead up, and one small purply one on the top of their head. They have a short, blue chestplate with shoulder pads and they wear fingerless gloves. They have blue, diamond shaped knee pads and hermies boots. On their left hip, they have a maroon quiver to hold the arrows. They also have small hip wings that seem to float off of their body. They're too small to fly with.

Design Notes

  • Their horns are based on the tip of the bow
  • They keep their quiver on their left hip even though they're left handed. They can use their bow with either hand, and they prefer it right handed i guess
  • Their tongue is the same purpley color as their eyes. Probably from the corruption
Click for Reference


They first enjoyed being in Terraria with their friends, building and fighting with them was always fun. But after a while, they started to question their gender, and realized that they were non biney. They got everyone together and told them that they were nonbimey, and nobody took it well. The Melee started being overly transphobic to them, calling them names and whatever slurs they could think of. The Mage just went along with the Melee, and the Summoner didnt want to also be an outcast, so he went along with it too.

This did not, in fact, feel good. After a week of dealing with this mistreatment, they filled their inventory with supplies and took a month away to live in the corruption. They say that was the best time of their life. They got accustomed to living in the purple landscape, and they warmed up to the taste of Worm Food. From staying in the corruption for so long (and eating whatever worm food is), they got a little corrupted themself, and since they're now tecnically part of the corruption, they don't get attacked by the Eaters of Souls or Devourers. They even started to try to become friends with the Eater of Worlds, but that plan was cut short when Melee came to the corruption and killed the Eater of Worlds. Daedalus was devistated. Melee dragged them back to their base just to expand it.

After a particually bad "hazing", Daedalus ran crying to the crafting room. They quickly threw a teleportaion potion together, accidently messing up the recepe. They drank it and got teleported to roblos. They spawned in the fountain, scrambling to get out because. they cant swim. Once they got out, they were like "wher the hell am i", saw the other people, and fucking ran off.

Present Day

Now, years later, they live in a little cave they found on the outskirts of Playground. They're a phighter, and enjoy phighting with the others. Boombox is their best friend, and has shown them how stuff works arounmnd here.

They're friends with just about everyone, enjoying their new life as Daedalus Stormbow. The only thing they miss is the Corruption.