Carnell Rankin (greed)



8 months, 30 days ago


the small demon god (4'1)

Name: Carnell Rankin.
Sex/Gender: Male / Male.
Age:20 - Born 25th of August. 
Appearance: short and very thin with cream skin, he has a moody feel about him.
He has dull, small, blue eyes, a monobrow, and a square jaw. He has medium-long, straight, brown hair.
He has a short neck, slanted shoulders, long arms, a long torso with lightly defined chest muscles a straight waist, and average-sized feet.
Personality: Welcoming, weak-willed, cannot tolerate conflict, and loyal.
Social Class: Working class.
Education:D grade student.
Marital status: married to guttery god (Homosexual)
Job: Paramedic - 58% satisfied
Financial status: Poor.
Religious view:  Agnostic.
Physical/Health:  Has Asperger's.
Quirks: Over-complicates things.
Likes: Going for long walks, smoking, and playing chess.
Dislikes: Sarcastic people.
Afraid of:--
Self-satisfaction:64% - Stable. 
Fitness level:22% - Decreasing. 
Motivator: The desire for friendship.
Skills: Secretly skilled at dancing. Secretly skilled at swimming.
Colors: Likes Blue and Violet.
Music: Likes Funk.
Foods: Junk food book
k Genre: Short Stories
Animal: Wolf Spider

1. Have a grave voice.
2. Prefer to wear one specific color of clothing.
3. Have a notable scar.
4. Are colourblind.
5. Are a liar.
(Behavioural traits and quirks)
6. Often procrastinates.
7. Have no sense of humor.
8. Have an infectious laugh.
9. Have commitment issues.
10. Cannot drink anything with ice in it.
11. Pick at their scabs/spots.
12. Always know what temperature it is outside.
13. Raise multiple animals.
14. Are a pacifist.
15. Are incredibly cowardly.
16. Think outside the box.