


9 months, 7 days ago




Age [Undecided]


Gender Demigirl

Pronouns She/xem

Height 5'5"

Build Inverted triangle

Orientation Unlabelled

Occupation N/A

Allegiance N/A

Alignment Neutral Good


Keyword Emotional

Trait 1

Night thumps her foot when angry or upset, just like any other rabbit.

Trait 2

She can also jump incredibly high, which comes in handy when running from danger and needing to hide.

Trait 3

Night twirls her hair around her finger as a form of comfort, and doesn't even realise that she's doing it most of the time.

Trait 4

Night likes to make nests out of blankets and such, and does it pretty regularly, bonus points if it's somewhere in a tight space or under something.

Social Skills


  • Cats

  • Warm Drinks

  • Stars

  • Flowers


  • Violence

  • Crowded Places

  • Strong Smells

  • Complete Silence

Trivia & Notes

  • Night was originally a variation of passive Nightmare sans, but quickly become her own character.

  • Her backstory is very heavily based off of a fic I half-finished on Wattpad that I still occasionally chip away at lol.

  • Night spends a lot of her time in her castle's garden, if she's not in the library or her room.

  • Night has 3 children.


After deciding that she'd had enough of the bullying in her former life as a prince, Night ran away from her home kingdom and aimlessly explored until she found a good place to stay. Along the way she made friends, who helped her escape from the guards trying to catch her and bring her back home.

The trek was long and she faced a betrayal or two along the way, but she managed to find a newly abandoned castle in a nearby kingdom, and she and her friends took it as their own, getting everything back up and running again and settling into their new home.

Over time, more and more people began to join her new kingdom, and she ruled alongside her friends. At least until she picked up an injured being, and the two slowly began to fall in love over the time he stayed there with her. He introduced himself as Nightlight, and as the two grew closer and closer, their relationship grew stronger.

They eventually ended up getting married and having children together, but the marriage came crumbling down when Night felt that Nightlight was not spending enough time with her and the kids. He became more and more careless, and it eventually lead to a divorce, and Nightlight's banishment from the castle.

They didn't talk again until years later, where Night found that her ex had formed a new relationship which also wasn't going well. They began talking again, and slowly began to work their problems out, until they eventually fell back in love, leading Nightlight to leave his new partner.

They live together in the castle again now, and have been slowly working out the issues of their relationship together.



They've been through a lot of rough patches, but nonetheless, they still love each other and have managed to work things out with time.


Son (Oldest child)

Midnight and his mother are incredibly close and spend a lot of time with each other. He's always looked up to Night and practically clung to her as a kid.


Son (Middle child)

Though Night has struggled in the past to bond with Dusk, she still loves him all the same, and is completely accepting of his transition. She wants to spend more time with him.


Daughter (Youngest child)

Aragti is basically a carbon copy of her mother, but spent about equal time with both of her parents when Nightlight was still around. She definitely acts like her mother, though.

Friend Group

Close friends

Because none of these characters have solid lore or designs yet, I'm grouping them all together. Nonetheless, Night considers them to be incredibly close.

"If by the sun and moon I swore"

Voice Headcanon

Cat Video


Bitter Water - The Oh Hellos

"That I would never flee"