
"It's easy to say "no hard feelings" when you're talking to a robot"

Genderless. Reffered to as male. War of Change by Thousand Foot Krutch

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#001, as he prefers to be called, has a number
at the end of his name for a reason. He is supposedly
the first deer in a long line to become automated.
Therefore, the number is there to keep track of his
status. The name Snafu was given to him by his
caretakers, meaning 'a confused chaotic state'

Although the deer was designed to have no
feelings, we are finding that we are losing our grip
on this experiment. His hard drive is very strong.
Possibly strong enough to develop emotions. As is,
the bot has been seen exhibiting what can be
classified as valid irritation and rage. It seem to
have developed only these along with caution and
a very dim sense of pain.This brings us at a disadvantage,
the tests being planned for a robot without human senses.
We will have to re-wire his system in an attempt to cure
him of his power sources.

The deer seems to have grown in awareness that he is
not a mortal life form. He seems to have gone into a
small scale research, watching his keepers closely. Once
a worker injures themselves or has a large burst of emotion
the deer will be there. His eyes will be lit up, as if scanning
and once he is noticed he will slowly walk away. Once, a
co-worker broke her arm on some of the testing equipment.
#001 seemed to be particularly interested, hovering around
the scene. After the worker had been removed loud bashing
noises started coming from the deer's containment area.
He had been ramming his hoof into the walls and butting
the hard metal in, what appeared to be, a search for pain.

The pulsating colors beneath the deer's skin was originally
designed to be invisible. Also, it was supposed to be a test
on a new energy source, better than batteries or solar panels.
The system is designed to create its own energy at its 'heart'
and pump the energy throughout the body in a series of veins.
At first, the system operated perfectly. Until, the mortal-
like system made the deer aware. It realized that it had no
body heat like all of the workers. No body heat also means
no life. The system is not designed for a human-like mind,
so it glitched, glowing brightly enough to show through the
layer of ballistics skin. From here, we have observed three
primary actions.
Glitch 1: The deer will light up, red, yellow, green. Each color
fades before the next begins. This happens at a fairly common
rate. It is displayed when the deer is standing still, observing
his surroundings. This glitch has been classified as a sort
of 'scanning signal'.
Glitch 2: The deer will flare bright red from the veins in its
head, hooves, and spine. This is displayed when the emotion
of rage surfaces. This is still a new emotion to the deer, so it
is very strong and dangerous. If the deer is red it is a warning
and it has been advised to leave the area. Occasionally, when
in rage, the deer will begin to smoke. It must be shut down
immediately before its system implodes.
Glitch 3:The deer will show all of its colors in a sturdy,
blinding light. This is often used as a display of power, the deer
approaching a worker, then flaring its colors brightly until the worker
acknowledges it in some way.

Recently, #001 has experienced an overall drop in 'health' Its
glitching is reaching a dangerous rate and at the speed the
awareness is moving, the deer may become fully developed
in a matter of weeks. It must be stopped. This deer is too
dangerous to have unstable emotions.

The purpose of the deer was to be a spy, collecting hidden
information. The mission has been aborted. The deer is refusing.
We will be discovered if this continues. We must shut down the deer.

The deer has been confined to a safe room. It colors are
flaring in ways we haven't observed before. No-one knows
what is going on, but we can all hear the screams. It's
hurting itself. The smoke and sparks are overwhelming.
No-one is allowed in the room. The computers are being
enveloped by static every second. We are under
complete lock-down. Shut down the deer. Shut dow-

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