


11 months, 30 days ago


Bottom is a rock

01 — Profile

Name Atlas
Nicknames N/A
Age 25
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 6'0
Birthdate Early Winter
Species Doberman, Canine
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation Dealer

Status WIP
Designer @ Blueflame1110
Worth $5 USD
  • Feel free to simplify his coloring

  • Has blue paw pads

  • Has his lobes stretched and several other piercings

  • Can always be seen wearing a white tank top with stains on it

  • Is often seen carrying around a baseball bat with nails piercing the end



02 — Personality

Positive: Loyal, Protective

Neutral: Cautious, independent

Negative: Hot-tempered, Reckless

Atlas is a complex blend of contrasts, his personality shaped by the harshness of his upbringing and the streets that became his unforgiving playground. At his core, he is fiercely loyal and protective, qualities that shine brightest when it comes to those he holds dear. He'd go to great lengths to safeguard his friends and loved ones, embodying a guardian's spirit despite the chaos that surrounds him. However, this balance is often tipped by his fiery temper and a propensity for recklessness. Quick to flare up at the slightest provocation, his decisions are sometimes clouded by the heat of the moment, leading him down paths that echo the tumultuousness of his past.

  • Longboarding

  • Spicy Food

  • Working Out

  • Late Night Drives

  • Cold Weather

  • Authority Figures

  • Crowded Places

  • Boredom

03 — Background


In the gritty underbelly of the city, there exists a character named Atlas, a self-proclaimed wannabe gangster whose life revolves around a cloud of smoke and the thrill of the streets. Atlas is not the nicest person you'll meet; his rough exterior and sharp tongue often intimidate those around him. As a small-time drug dealer, he navigates the alleys and backstreets with a swagger, dealing in substances that blur the lines between euphoria and despair. Weed is his vice of choice, a constant companion that veils his reality in a haze of relaxation and indifference. Despite his tough facade, there's one person who holds the key to Atlas's heart – his boyfriend, Angel. Their love is a paradox, a fragile balance between chaos and tenderness, forged in the fires of the city's unforgiving streets. Atlas's devotion to Angel is unwavering, a rare glimpse of vulnerability in a world of hardened souls. In the dichotomy of his life, Atlas is a contradiction – a toughened outlaw with a heart of gold, seeking love and redemption amidst the chaos of the urban sprawl.


Atlas's childhood was a turbulent journey through rough seas, devoid of the warmth and stability that many take for granted. Born into a world of poverty and neglect, he learned early on to fend for himself in the harsh streets that raised him. With absent parents and a constant struggle for survival, Atlas found solace in the camaraderie of the neighborhood's misfits, forging bonds that would shape his future.



04 — Trivia

  • First Skateboard: He still has his first skateboard, now battered and barely usable. Atlas keeps it as a reminder of where he started and the journey he's been on.

  • Phobia: He has a somewhat ironic fear of deep water, stemming from a childhood incident. Despite this, he's determined to overcome it one day.

  • Favorite Meal: His go-to comfort food is homemade chili, spicy enough to make anyone's eyes water.

  • Dream Car: Atlas dreams of owning a vintage Mustang, which he plans to restore himself one day.

05 — Relationships


Angel is his boyfriend of 6 months. They get along like water and oil, other times they catch on like a house on fire.


An old high school friend who Atlas takes pity on, checking up on her occassionally to feel good about himself.