Altair Varis



9 months, 4 days ago




"Nothing escapes the Eagle Eye"

CREATOR: RijuRambles
DESIGNER: RijuRambles
ROLE: Protagonist
VOICE:Erika Harlacher

AGE: 17
BIRTHDAY: September 21st, IY 1852
PRONOUNS: she/her
RACE: Twili
WEIGHT: 120lbs
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Asexual


Martial arts


Unorganized things
Shadow Beasts


Altair is Princess Midna's Royal guard. She is the last of the great Varis clan.


Serious • Stoic • Loyal

Altair is generally a very calm and level-headed person, always trying to solve things through logic and reason. Due to being somewhat overly cordial, people seem to think that she's always angry, but it's actually quite the opposite. She is a very reserved person with her emotions - not nessacarily wanting to hide them, but seeing no reason to show them. Some people have rarely even heard her voice. She prefers solitude and quiet, wanting a good place to think things out.   As her mind works in chains of logic, she is somewhat inept at understanding social cues, as well as sarcasm. Altair has been working to remedy this, but after having felt no reason to learn it all her life, it's been a bit difficult. She is immensely loyal and devoted, thinking that she must always have something to prove herself with. Shame is one of her biggest fears - she does not want to ruin her family's honor, as one of their last surviving members, along with Amoni. Sometimes this leads to overcompensating, including Altair pushing herself to further her magical abilities and overtraining. Most Twili can go without the basic needs of Hylians, like sleep, but Altair does it to an almost excessive extent, to the point where she can almost faint.  Learning how to fend for herself very quickly, she is a resourceful person, doing the most with what little she has. She is a great leader and an inspiration to many Twili knights, and is very confident when in battle. She is curious about the Light World as well as the Twilight Realm's history, and ironically, spends a lot of time in the Castle library.

[- STORY -]

The Varis family has been closely tied to the royal twili family for centuries. It is said that every descendant is to become a protector of the crown. Strangely enough, in recent generations, only female heirs have been born. The two recent heads of the family are Aoi and Amoni Varis, who are sisters. Aoi took the traditional route of becoming a knight, and only married later in her life. Amoni took a somewhat controversial turn and chose to follow her childhood love, who later became Altair's uncle. She spent the rest of her days learning magic instead of swordplay. 

Aoi and Amoni had always been close, but they grew up with only one parent, so they were always competing for attention since their caretaker was busy. Eventually, their mother turned to alcohol, which made her become somewhat violent if they ever agitated her. The two sisters were sure to be very careful, and all Aoi wanted was to please her mother. Meanwhile Amoni was starting to realize the pattern and moved out in order to distance herself from the toxicity. Aoi continued in the abusive household until their mother eventually died of old age. 

Aoi took a long while to recover from her childhood, but once she did, she met Altair's father. The two became close very quickly, and soon Altair was born. 

Born in the cooldown of a people's violent uprising, Altair was thrust into the family profession at a young age, albeit unintentionally. She was known for being a child prodigy, though Aoi did not wish fame for the child. Amoni always made bi-montly visits to the household. Aoi unfortunately fell into the same trap as her mother and became a perfectionist, so Altair was left at home by herself most of the time. Both sisters tried to instill  good values onto her, but both had completely different ideas of good values, neither was wrong - but they certainly thought that way. This made the young soldier very confused, so she tried to please both by quieting her emotions around Aoi and letting them all out around Amoni. This code-switching technique would be prevalent throughout her whole life.

She always opted to show her "Aoi-side" while in public. It simply seemed like the most formal thing to do at the time. This led people to believe her to be quiet and distant, which only caused more problems. She was in public school for quite a while, and though she got perfect grades, she was often exposed to bullying and gaslighting. She would also question teachers on tough things like morals, ethics, war, et cetera, which caused a general dislike for her even though she was simply curious. One day it got to the point where she was dragged into a school fight, and fought back in self defense. This backfired, as many of the things she does do. It ended up being so powerful that it knocked the child out. This was the start of her fighting career. 

After that, they (being Altair, Amoni and Aoi) were called into the office and told about the event. Arguments were exchanged from all sides except Altair, who wanted to speak, but was always told not to interrupt, so she never got a chance. This caused Aoi to pull her out of public school and send her to a military oriented academy, the same one she had gone to. This worked a lot better, though it caused her true emotions to almost become lost in the formality of an army. 

She hardly spoke anymore - learning sign language as an alternative. She also learned how to forge swords and use magic. After graduating, she was granted Aoi's tried and true family heirloom, the talisman implanted blade known as Orbit. 

Peace reigned in the Twilight Realm for several years until the Zant incident occurred. Altair became a member of the royal guard, so she was one of the priority to be turned for the revolution. Thinking it best that the Twilight Realm ally with the Light World, she took Zant's side. She supported him in almost everything until she was told to fight civilians - something she would absolutely not do. That instance was not the last time she heard of Zant's misdeeds. After learning what had become of Lady Midna, the one she had sworn to protect, she completely turned against them, almost wanting to never fight again. It was her biggest shame, one she never let go of.

She stayed at home for several months, studying magic instead for the first time in years. It was the day Amoni was due to visit, but due to circumstances, she never came for the family reunion. Fate was quite cruel that day. An offset of Zant's forces barged into their home and set it aflame - Aoi perished while fighting off the attackers, and her uncle died from the smoke. Altair had never been exposed to a flaming battlefield before, and she had not yet been trained for this, so she was completely at a loss. Using magic to enhance her breathing, she led a panic-filled escape, grabbing only what was most important to her, and extricating herself through the window. 

It wasn't until hours later that the enemy was gone. The home had been left unraided, but most of their possessions had burned in the flames. One of the only things that was left was Aoi's old armor, which she took with her. The only safe place she knew was Amoni's home. It was...hard...explaining what happened. A niece informing her aunt of her sister's death. It was the first time she had truly felt grief. The family lived in hiding until Link came into the Twilight Realm - and by chance, Altair was out that day. 

She could not even bear to look at Lady Midna, but she did not have to worry about that for long. She and the Hero soon moved on to free the other Twili from their monstrous forms, and to defeat Zant. Altair put it upon herself to look after the Sols as the two journeyed into the Palace of Twilight. She never got the chance to formally thank the Hero. But after Midna returned to the Twilight Realm, she formally apologized for joining Zant's side and was given back her position in the army. After that, her life seemed to return to normalcy - shadowed by shame and doubt, the old Captain Varis slowly came back to her old self. That is, until the anomaly that is Into The Light.




Sed varius tincidunt nulla, vel placerat nulla semper at. Nulla nec dictum elit. Donec aliquet suscipit nibh, sit amet fermentum turpis volutpat a. Duis consequat nisi nec interdum laoreet. Praesent commodo nibh at auctor gravida. Pellentesque venenatis sem et orci tincidunt facilisis. Mauris vitae consequat quam, vitae porttitor erat. Pellentesque malesuada semper ante non mollis. Nunc tempor mauris dolor, id varius urna vestibulum et. Quisque rutrum leo ut ipsum convallis cursus. Nulla facilisi. Donec malesuada neque a sagittis scelerisque. Quisque porta ac magna id maximus.



Sed varius tincidunt nulla, vel placerat nulla semper at. Nulla nec dictum elit. Donec aliquet suscipit nibh, sit amet fermentum turpis volutpat a. Duis consequat nisi nec interdum laoreet. Praesent commodo nibh at auctor gravida. Pellentesque venenatis sem et orci tincidunt facilisis. Mauris vitae consequat quam, vitae porttitor erat. Pellentesque malesuada semper ante non mollis. Nunc tempor mauris dolor, id varius urna vestibulum et. Quisque rutrum leo ut ipsum convallis cursus. Nulla facilisi. Donec malesuada neque a sagittis scelerisque. Quisque porta ac magna id maximus.



Sed varius tincidunt nulla, vel placerat nulla semper at. Nulla nec dictum elit. Donec aliquet suscipit nibh, sit amet fermentum turpis volutpat a. Duis consequat nisi nec interdum laoreet. Praesent commodo nibh at auctor gravida. Pellentesque venenatis sem et orci tincidunt facilisis. Mauris vitae consequat quam, vitae porttitor erat. Pellentesque malesuada semper ante non mollis. Nunc tempor mauris dolor, id varius urna vestibulum et. Quisque rutrum leo ut ipsum convallis cursus. Nulla facilisi. Donec malesuada neque a sagittis scelerisque. Quisque porta ac magna id maximus.">Code by Aurorean