


8 months, 17 days ago




Willowpaw || Willowwhisker || Willowstar

 A black ginger tortie with long fur, color point with leg/face/tail stripes, some white with freckling and blue eyes.


Age :: Mature Adult
Gender :: Female - She/Her
Orientation :: Bisexual, but Lesbian leaning
Mate/crush :: --
Kits :: --


Willowstar is a kind and gentle leader. She doesn't wish to cause undue stress to her clan, and so keeps most of her heavy feelings to herself. She keeps order by attempting to befriend everyone in her clan and holding them all to a high standard. In this way she hopes everyone feels respected and loved by her. 

On the battlefield it is a much different story. She holds no love for outsiders that threaten her community and has been known to face down dogs twice her size and two leggers that encroach on their territory. She has never known a kind two legger hand, and never lends a paw to their comfort. To her enemies she is fierce and unrelenting, and rogues hold no place there. 

When it comes to her treaties and allergenics, she again holds them to high standards. She never expects others to keep her best interests at heart, and so returns the favor by upholding her own clan's interests first and foremost and keeping their clans as secondary in her priorities. She expects them to do the same in return and holds no grudges for alliances to do what they deem necessary.



Willowstar, born Willowkit, was a very quick to action kit. She often wandered away from her mother, and in general caused havoc where she wandered. She lost none of that as she aged into Willowpaw and was apprenticed under a very strict warrior named Thornclaw. She received rigorous training and under his dutiful eye, became a savage fighter and avid huntress. She feared no cat nor two legger in those days- but that all changed when she was made warrior in the coming summer. The two leggers upended her new life when they began building, and abducted her teacher, father and many other cats. 

When they fled, she learned what hardship truly was. She oftentimes went without to see that her clan mates had enough strength to go on. It was a grueling road, and she learned a lot about survival in harsh conditions. It was on this journey that, after many cats in succession died or simply left the colony, she was boosted into the role of deputy and then Leader when the leader of her clan passed her final life in sickness. 

But she was not yet known as Willowstar until her clan found their way to an unassuming island betwixt two rivers. They thought it was going to be good for the nights defense, but after a rather curious dream, she found a cave behind a roaring waterfall. It was there that she found starclan and was granted the true rank of Willowstar. Now, she spends her days growing her numbers and doing what she can to benefit her clan.


Founding of the clan
Willowstar came into this area by happenstance. She was originally part of a colony of cats in an increasingly populated area. Her first years saw a two legger population growth that expanded into her colony's territory. They were trapped, poached and pushed out of the area by human involvement, and it wasn't long before a shopping mall stood in its place.

The remanence of her colony fled her homeland when she was just a humble warrior. They lived as nomads, wandering the fall-colored hills between towns and avoiding two leggers where they could. Many cats fell ill and died along the way, and she soon found herself in the place of the Deputy- an almost leader among the handful of cats that remained. The true leader was sick, and their lives were quickly running through. A few of her clanmates defected into rogues during their wintery travels, and food was hard to come by. 

It was late winter and into early spring when her leader lost their fight for their final life. Illness had taken over and they passed in the night with no medicine cat to aide them. Willowwhisker was granted the name Willowstar that night by her fellows, but they had no true right to do so. She was leader in name only and did what she could to continue to lead her small clan onward. 

It was an unassuming spring evening when they found a small island between two rivers. It was easily defendable from predators, and they thought it would be an excellent place for them to camp. The clan paused there but unknowingly Willowstar found herself in a dream, closely following her leaders paw steps. Cats collected and followed in her wake until she was part of an entire community. Most cats were strangers to her, while others were her friends and family. Her previous leader led her to a place at the riverhead- a loud and thunderous waterfall with a cave entrance behind it. The cave shown in the moonlight and glittered with a thousand quartz. 

When Willowstar followed the path she had taken in her dreams, she was amazed to find this very cave. She lost track of time in this area, and soon found the cave lit by that very same moon. She and the few in her colony slept there that night, and enjoyed the safty that the cave brought. It wasnt until they slept that they realized the magnitude of this area- it was a skyclan gateway and in her dreams she once again was surrounded by the cats of the past. She was given her lives by the last clan leader and told that this was where she should settle them. 

When it was time to leave, she was given one last blessing of strength and leadership, and so her and her humble clan settled on the island and made their very own clan territory there in safety and community.