Rosario's Comments

HEY HEYYY i saw this silly is ufo, i can maybe offer someone from here :)

i rlly like engel and kabuki... . . 

i could do engel 👁️...



If you ever decide to sell/trade would you let me know? 🥺

YESSSS idm u making an offer and ill think abt it!!!

Oh like...right now?! OwO I mean uuuh didnt expect that. I could do 30 - 40 bucks or trade for someone jn my UFO folder - now sure if you like anthro tho :c I have some humans too. Won't trade for Alex or Sieg

Tahts totally cool! the artist actually gave me this as a gift, ill consider the usd since i dont want their hard work to go away for nothing again and ill check in with them :3 

Ooh I see! Sure, thanks for considering!

So i spoke w them and they take paypal but i take cashapp, is this alright w u?

3 Replies

if this silly is by chance still up for grabs,,, i can offer anyone from here 👁

Nope sorry! I'm working on finishing him up to give him to someone else I've just had no time to work on him lol

i can do 3 pieces 4 them!!! 

chibi, pony or headshot :^)

feel free to look around my chars! 

Omg your art is gorgeous I'll definitely think about it! And by look around your characters do you mean you want to trade?

It's probably gunna take a bit for me to finish this drawing so I hope that's okay and im still looking at my other offers atm but I'll let you know 

Yeah!!! i can def do something mixed like a character + art! 

nws and take ur time (im totally good if u dont end uo cleaning it up btw! ) looks amazing just wondering are you willing to trade this character?

ohhhhh thid is so tempting.... hhsvsbsb.. But what the hell, sure!!!! 

Does anyone here interest you by chance?

I might need a bit to decide and also finish up the adopt but a few of them interest me! Though I'm still looking through them and all but I really like

Heyo! c:

I could definitely do either of them! 

That's great to hear I'm still finishing this guy up (and might make a chibi for it) so I hope that's okay it might take me a but to decide on everything 

Sure! That's totally fine with me ^^
Feel free to message me whenever!

would you take some nitros ?

No sorry I just don't use discord enough but I might think about 

How much for money?

Like 25 and maybe 35 if I clean it up but I don't mind lowering it this is just my friends opinion