Owlgaze SnowClan



5 years, 10 months ago


  • soft boy
  • we stan one cishet man
  • goes through so much but its ok bc he has his wife


  • beautiful baby boy very close to his brother Flurrykit and they were so excited to be warrior apprentices together!
  • until one day a StarClan cat came to his dreams and was like "be a medicine cat" and he's like "why" and they're like "for fun lmao"
  • and Owlkit is like well I mean plants are cool I guess and StarClan said so and they're like important so I guess??
  • becomes Minkfur's apprentice and Flurry is not pleased and actually beats him up about it. Flurrypaw stops talking to him after that
  • has a good time learning medicine from Minkfur but it's a little sad because he doesn't talk to Flurry anymore
  • it's not all bad though because a moon into his training he meets Robinpaw and they hit it off really fast!
  • after a bit they get their full medcat names and it turns into something more...maybe they are in love?
  • also this random cat Featherbreeze says they're like destined to be together so it's probably fine
  • Featherbreeze brings them both to a special place in StarClan every night to hang out together and it's great!
  • she even lets them play with some StarClan kits sometimes!!
  • one time Owlgaze is sneaking out to go see Robin he ends up being found by Beetlepaw (who was working on their tracking skills to become a hunter) and Owl has to make up some reason that he's out so he says he's on a mission from StarClan and the fact that Beetle found him means he's supposed to be a medicine cat. or something
  • so that's how Beetlepaw was convinced they needed to switch jobs immediately and follow their true purpose
  • one night Featherbreeze just...disappears. nowhere to be found. at first it's ok but after awhile Owl and Robin miss each other too much so they decide they're going to finish training their apprentices and then run away into unclaimed territory outside of Clan boundaries
  • Beetleclaw finally got their medcat name which means the plan to escape is on. tomorrow at sunhigh Robinwing will sneak into SnowClan camp and ask Owlgaze to go find some rare herbs and together they will peace out of there. medicine cats are allowed on other Clans' territory so there's literally no way this could go wrong
  • sunhigh rolls around and Owl notices some rustling in the bushes but isn't concerned. it's just Robinwing coming to get him after all
  • except it's not it's an entire patrol of MoonClan cats come to fight SnowClan for some reason!
  • Robinwing is also here and does manage to get him in the middle of the fighting and everyone is busy so it's kind of even better right? No one will even notice them leave in all this chaos
  • just as they're about to leave Smoketail leaps and attacks Flurrystar, fatally injuring him
  • Owl and Flurry lock eyes for a moment. Flurry sees him, clearly trying to run away in the middle of a war, with this girl from another Clan, and tries to go fight him about it but collapses
  • Owlgaze is Very Distraught and runs over to him like BROTHER IM SORRY and Flurrystar dies right in front of him, losing his last life
  • Robinwing sits with him for a moment as the whole Clan takes a moment to grieve and Pinesnow steps up telling the Clan to retreat
  • they leave anyway but Owlgaze is very lost and sad for a while
  • he gets better over time though he likes being free with his cat wife and they can do whatever!!
  • eventually Robinwing starts to really badly miss home and he's like "what if I join you in FeatherClan because like at least they like you there and theres nothing for me in SnowClan"
  • so they both move to FeatherClan and everyone's excited to see Robin and they aren't gonna turn down an extra medicine cat
  • at some point Robinwing becomes pregnant with their babies and everyones like "well this is probably from when they were outside the clans so theres nothing we can do" and everyone lives happily ever after :3