Sylvana Noyer



8 months, 21 days ago



A young lady descending from a lesser noble family in Rachel, who is currently on the run.

Hello! How do you do?

| Full Name

Sylvana Noyer

| age

20 13 February

| Height

161 cm

| gender

Female She/her

| Species


| Class

High Wizard

| Hometown

Rachel Arunafeltz

| Affiliation

Wizard Magic Academy

| Voice Claim

Kocho Shinobu - Hayami Saori


A cheerful High Wizard with a highly active imagination (questionable), especially when it comes to observing other people around her (kdrama vision). She is always looking for ways to entertain herself, even if it comes at the cost of other people's.... dignity.

how about another quote, right here? we like quotes don't we. I think we like quotes.


Sylvana is a poor judge of a character and tends to be oblivious to her surroundings, but she is somehow able to keep a cheerful demeanour majority of the time. She has an active imagination (a little too active) and thanks to that, she's quite creative with her magic spells. She doesn't seem to take many things seriously though and comes off as shallow, but she never acts on any mean or malicious actions (at least she isn't aware that she does).

  • Likes
    • Cute big hats
    • Hodremlins
    • Questionable content
  • Dislikes
    • Inactivity/slow times
    • Going HOME
    • Making people upset










  • Sunday Hat A wide brimmed hat that's perfect for blocking the glare of the sun.
  • Magic Eyes A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark mage, which are rumored to blink sometimes.
  • Soul Staff A high quality, two-handed staff that amplifies psychic power.
  • Staff of Destruction A tremendously powerful staff gifted from her father. Customised with a mineral from Thor's Volcano.


Born to a pair of high ranking priests, Sylvana has always been a sheltered child growing up. She spent most of her late childhood years studying magic in Geffen’s Wizard Magic Academy. In her late adolescent years, she paid someone to kidnap her so that she could go on an adventure. Ever since then she has opened her ‘third eye’ and lived a colourful life. [ Read more ]

{ Early years }

Sylvana was born to an Elven father and a Norman mother. Unfortunately Sylvana lost her mother soon after she was born. Sylvana looked nothing like her parents. She had pale skin, violet eyes and white hair. Her father mistook Sylvana's albinism for being blessed with the traits of the goddess Freya.. and he strongly believed that Sylvana was the incarnation of Freya, rather than the Pope. He kept his belief a secret to avoid clashing with the other priests who believed in the Pope.

From a young age, Sylvana's father discovered her innate gift for magic. He believed that this was because she was 'Freya's incarnation'. Sylvana's father decided that his daughter should study under the best of the best, so he enrolled Sylvana at Geffen's Wizard Magic Academy under one of his old acquaintances.

{ Rebel Teen Years B) }

Getting bored of the sheltered life, Sylvana gradually developed a rebellious streak. It started off with small things like turning up to class late, which turned into cutting class.. then eventually paying someone to kidnap her, so that she could enjoy the thrill of danger. Her kidnapper eventually got fed up with her behaviour and sent her back (while keeping the money).

During the later rebel teen years, she met a few colourful people. One of them in particular influenced Sylvana in strange hobbies, which opened her 'third eye'..

{ Questionable Quartet Quests in Arunafeltz }


-- Clan


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NameHere . [ relation ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

NameHere . [ relation ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

NameHere . [ relation ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


  • Has albinism
  • Short-sighted and has a tendency to squint
  • Always wears a big hat or carries a parasol around
  • Ears are shorter than regular elves; tips are slightly round
  • Has a built-in kdrama vision for men
  • Although she grew up in Rachel, she spent most of her life in Geffen's Magic Academy so she's not as religious as other people in Arunafeltz
  • The flowers in her hair are real (dried delphinium)
  • Gets cold easily

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