


9 months, 4 days ago



"Until my final breath, I will dedicate myself to those less fortunate than I."

Nínimiel is the fraternal twin of Nínimion. After helping him through childhood without their parents, she and her brother moved to a village in the snowy moutains. With training in healing from Lord Elrond, she stayed with an elderly couple in their farm until they passed and gifted it to her, taking care of the the injured rangers and travellers. She also takes in two similalry abandonded twin elflings, and passes away around the time of LOTR after the loss of her second partner.


Name Nínimiel
Age 5000+
Gender (She/Her)
Species Elf
Status Widowed
Height 5'11
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Healer

  • Fall
  • Cold Weather
  • Humans

  • Orcs
  • Those who would harm nature
  • Dwarves


  • She rides a a dark grey horse with white speckles, a direct opposite of her brother.
  • She has also taken the oath, and if free of patients will ride with the rangers into the moutains.
  • Unlike her twin, she is most handy with a tradtional sword.
  • She cannot cook.

Design Notes

  • Her hair is ALWAYS tied up in some way..
  • She tends to wear less furred/warmer clothing since the village is not as snowy and cold as the moutains..
  • Clawed fingers!! My elves have claws!!
  • The tuft on her head is not optional! She and her brother both have it, as did their parents!.


Nínimiel is a female elf who resides in Middle Earth with her fraternal twin brother, Nínimion. Their father was injured greatly in a battle against orcs, so much so that he and their mother deiced to sail from Middle Earth unable to part from each other even for the sake of their Children. Doing so, they entrusted the twins to Elrond in Rivendell.Here, Nínimiel watched over her brother, despite being the same age, and they grew up mostly happy and content.

When the two were old enough to leave however, they did, travelling out to the edges of snowy mountains, to a small village. Nínimiel stayed in the village, and her brother joined a small group of Rangers residing there, consisting of elves and men who also lived in the village. Her brother is often absent, hunting and patrolling, while she stays in a small farm, assisting the elderly couple who lived there. Many years later, when the couple passed on, they passed on the farm and all their belongings to them, and Nínimiel uses the farm to house weary travelers and injured men and elves from patrol scuffles, much like how Rivendell had taken in them, and other people in need. Durring this time, she met an injured human man, who she diligently take care of. He managed to woo her, enough so that she would marry him. They were happy for many years, but mortal men were doomed to pass on, and so he did leaving her behind. Pained at his lost, but use to grief, she carried on with her life after.

When she reached the age 4589, durring a visit with her brother to Rivendell, they met there two young twin elves, whom were orphaned as she and her brother had been by their parents, who sailed. With Elrond's leave,Nínimiel took the two young boys in, and her and her brother rode them back to the village safely hidden in the foot of the snowy mountains. The boys, though shy at first, became her own personal menaces, though she adored their every antics. Between treating injured as Elrond had taught her, and raising two young boys, she found herself often busy and contented once again. However, around the age the boys began hit their (elf)teens, Nínimiel met a human woman, who was just as much a warrior as her late husband. Once again, elf fell for human, and she and the woman married. Her wife lived to her 50's, before dying in a scuffle of invading orcs that the Rangers could not hold back durring the invasions made when Frodo was carrying the ring. Lost in her grief of such a brutal loss before her eyes, her twin sons could only watch on in misery as the elf who raised them faded away from the heartbreak.

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