Dulce's Comments

Adoption Form

Name:  Dulce

Gender: Female

Description: Dulce is a gentle kitty who loves to bask in the warmth of her mug on a cup warmer. outside of her cup she loves to curl up in your lap as she dozes off. when she's fully energized, she can tend to zoom around and cause a mess! She's a sweet kitten due to her extra sugar but that doesn't mean she's all fun and games. Not being tended to or pet when she wants means being given the cold shoulder. Tends to hold a grudge and wont look your way until you've atoned for your sins.

Likes: warm mugs, being pet, playing fetch, treats, 

Dislikes: The Cold, not being pet, not getting her way,


uhhh not sure if this is how you adopt a coffee cat? 


Thank you!