Birch Westly



8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Birch Harbor Westly
Pronunciation: [bərCH]
Meaning: A slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark
Nicknames: Bethany calls him Beech, which came from when she was little and couldn't quite say his name right
Age: 9 as of 2132. 27 in Gen 2
Gender: Male
Birth date: January 1, 2122
Zodiac: Capricorn
Species: Overgrowth Graft
World: Akis
Family: Father - x
Mother - x
Siblings - Sorrel and Bethany
Sister-in-law - Purq
Nieces - Jacqueline and Unnamed
Nephews - Unnamed, Atticus, and Unnamed
Pets: None, though Shatter's typically nearby.
Cura - His best friend
Significant other: 
Family relationships: 
Other relationships: 
Occupation: None - He's too frail and confused to do much of any work. He helps around the house in the future, but that's about it.
Physical description: 3'10" his growth has been stunted a bit because of his sickness. He appears to be frail and is underweight. His skin is pale and the patches of chlorophyll are a green-yellow shade. His tail is like a thorny branch, a greenish color because of his younger age, with brittle thorns and yellow leaves with brown spots. He has three fingers and four toes. His hair is a dirty blond color and hangs limply in his face. Hair turns brown after crossing through the Ore Fields, but is still very sickly looking compared to what he gets in the future. His main set of eyes are a yellow color, while his second set is a shade of pale green.
Future -
5’4” His hair is now a dark brown, richer than what it was when he was a kid. It has much more volume and no longer just hangs from his head. He’s kept it generally the same length as when he was younger and typically keeps it up in a ponytail. Most the yellow patches on his skin are working their way towards green, although the still appear slightly sickly. A light green shade has appeared on his cheeks as well. His tail is now brown towards the base, but the tip remains green. His leaves are now a healthy green, no longer spotted. His figure is overall less scrawny, but he still is underweight. Ears lack buds and he very rarely develops flowers. For Gen 2, he has green and blue gradient markings under his eyes identical to Kavi's. These fade away after the plot is over.
Alternative appearances: N/A
Personality: Birch is delicate. He’s lived most of his life with only his family, so he knows very little about social interaction. In fact, it sort of scares him, making him very shy. He’s hard to hear when he speaks and will normally hide near those he knows well. He dislikes action, preferring things to be monotonous and peaceful. Quiet relaxes him, so he will often look for an isolated place to sit for a while. He’s very gentle, as he doesn’t want to hurt anything or anyone. If he breaks/injures something, he may start to cry, since he feels super guilty about it. He’s easily brought to tears, although he tries to act like a grown-up and hold them back. He needs reassuring physical contact a lot, but will only seek it out to a certain extent before giving up, so his friends and family need to keep an eye out for that. He hates lying and generally just wants to follow rules without needing to question them. Easily brought to a panic, Birch may sometimes lash out when he feels like a cornered animal, but, as stated before, he will feel extremely guilty later and probably apologize a thousand times or so. He’s often drowsy and sometimes listless. By himself, Birch is kind of a bland person.
Future -
In his older teen and adult life, Birch has improved a bit, but is still held back by the remains of his sickness. He talks a bit easier, but not really to strangers. He's not as skittish, but he doesn't take up much space either, existing in the most cramped position possible to avoid unwanted interaction. Will hesitantly pipe up if the current plan seems to be horribly wrong instead of blindly following (though he still prefers not having to think about it). Has more energy than before, but that's not saying much. Gets exhausted and out of breath easily. He tries to fight it down, but he still has the same reaction to being cornered or threatened: raising his thorns in a threat of attack and cowering like a feral animal. Doesn't like to make his own big decisions. A bit better about getting the attention he wants, which mostly involves curling up to someone after they've sat down and they get the hint from there. He tries his hardest to act like an adult, though he still feels like a child most of the time.
Personal Information
Hometown: Doesn't have one, as he was born in a field
Places they've lived:
The field outside a city that's now not much more than ashes.
In the future, he stays in Birch's house in Boomerang Village, which also contains Cura, Purq, Bethany, Shatter, and five kids.
He doesn't really have much of a hobby, due to his childhood mainly consisting of lying around and feeling awful. Once he's settled in Boomerang Village, though, he finds himself much more bored than normal.  To remedy this, he starts looking for a hobby or two and ends up with small-scale earth magic and playing pan flutes
Nervous tics: When he's scared, he'll curl up into a ball with his tail covering himself as much as possible, thorns raised. If he's nervous, he'll raise and lower the thorns on his tail and curl it around his arms or legs.
Voice: His voice is quiet, sort of breathy, and soft, yet has developed a permanent rasp thanks to his sickness. It's about in the middle, pitch wise. (Alec Benjamin?)
Accessories: None
Scars: None
Marks/tattoos: None
Scent: Earth and cherry cough drops
Fears: He's horribly afraid of the dark. He's likely to cling to anyone, no matter whether he trusts them or not. It simply makes him feel safer to hold onto another living thing. He also is afraid of thunder, as the noise makes him feel very small and vulnerable. If he's trying to sleep while there's a thunderstorm, he'll be kept awake for hours. Birch really doesn't like frogs. He thinks their slimy and gross and their large eyes creep him out.
Pet peeves: 
Personal problems: 
Religion: N/A
Likes: Fields, sun, rain, clouds, beaches, cats, quiet
Cold, storms, change, night, caves, ice
Languages spoken: Basic
Magical ability: After settling in Boomerang Village for a while, he takes up a bit of earth magic. It's not much, just enough to make tiny sprouts, convince buds to open, or will grass not to grow in certain places, but he prefers it that way. He doesn't want to feel powerful or anything.
Weapon: The giant thorns on his tail are all he has. He'd prefer not to own a legit weapon, anyway. The thought unnerves him.
Fighting style: Doesn't really have one. He mainly just lashes out with the intent to flee.
Musical ability: None, but after being in Boomerang Village for a bit, he picks up on playing pan flutes after discovering how much he liked the way they sounded.
Dominant hand: Left
Weak, easily tired, easily scared, can't breathe well, very sensitive to cold, will wilt without proper amounts of sun or water, gets migraines, sluggish,
Medical conditions: He's had an illness, called Winter Fever, since birth that caused him to slowly wilt and wither away. Although the group did find a cure for him, the effects still linger. He get migranes.
Diet: He typically doesn't need to eat, drawing energy from the sun. If he does need to eat, he prefers bland things like bagels or dry instant noodles. He's very sensitive towards sugar and doesn't like to eat anything with too much of it. He has no tolerance towards spicy things either.
Eating habits: None...? Only eats if he has to or if it's required to be polite, normally
Sleep patterns: 
Design Details
Songs: Oxygen by Cardinal, Migraine by Twenty One Pilots, Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin
Ship songs: The Saltwater Room by Owl City
Design notes: His second set of eyes is near invisible unless they are open, so there's no need to draw weird little lines above his eyebrows or anything.
Design changes over time:
Creation date: August 18, 2014. Created so that Sorrel could have a sibling
First memory: 
Favorite memories: 
Worst memories: 
Most traumatic memory: 
Favorite food: 
Favorite drink: 
Favorite flavor: 
Favorite color: Sky blue
Favorite animal: 
Favorite place: 
Favorite object: 
Favorite holiday: 
Favorite season: Summer
Least favorite food: Salad. It's no so much about disliking the taste and more about finding it difficult to eat leaves when they also grow on you.
Least favorite drink: Soda, as it makes him choke
Least favorite flavor: 
Least favorite color: 
Least favorite animal: Frogs
Least favorite place: 
Least favorite object:
Least favorite holiday: 
Least favorite season: Winter. He hates the cold and it's hard to get any sunlight
Extra: Deity in Gen 2 is Kavi, which makes him pretty useless unless he gets near her. He sort of the compass, as he's kinda drawn to her