


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




17 (2nd year of high school)


by Kyousuke~


Soujiro is a rebelious teenager, well known in his school for constant fights, rude behaviour and playing in the school's football team. 
He's what you'd call a typical high school delinquent. He bleaches his hair, ignores the uniform rules and skips classes all the time. Most of the students, even third-years, avoid him, which leads to Soujiro having little to no friends, except for some other delinquent who rather prefer to stay on his side than to become his enemies. However, he changes a bit (especially his grades) once he meets Kyousuke. 

His family life is a bit complicated. His mother ignores him most of the time and obviously holds a grudge against him, as she deems him hopeless. Their interactions are extremely limited and if there are any, they're usually very cold and leads one (or both) to get annoyed. He has a much better relationship with his father, however, he's barely home as he has work in another city. His father, being an ex-delinquent, understands his son a bit better and instead of scolding, he tries to encourage Soujiro to take up some hobbies that would keep him away from troubles. He's very supportive when it comes to sports. 
Soujiro has two younger siblings - twins - Sachi and Yukio. Encouraged by their mother, they refuse to get along with Soujiro and it's extremely rare for the siblings to not argue over the dumbest things.