Misfit (Off limits)



6 years, 1 day ago



【 Name 】 Misfit
【 Called 】 Missie
【 Age 】 20
【 Gender 】 Female
【 Species 】 Knittens
【 Alignment 】 Chaotic good
【 Theme 】

Misfit is a freelance graphic designer, and has been doing it for close to a year. She'd been working on graphic design since she was young and is self taught-- only taking a few years of schooling throughout her school years. Open to virtually doing nything, she's actually gotten a decent amount of business and is by no means struggling because of it. She's even got a nice home with two cats and a tank full of 15 piranha she enjoys watching in her free time and has even named.

Missie is very social, and when she's not busy with her graphic design or animals, she's often hanging out with her friends or in general social settings alone (clubs and such). She also enjoys going to lots of concerts and has a collection of band merch in her room from over the years.


  • Misfit is pansexual and is willing to partake in either a monogamous or polyamorous relationship.
  • She has tons of books on how to care for Pirahna and waited years until she was actually ready to get even a few.
  • Always dresses in pastel.
  • Has been interested in Graphic design since she was only five.

HTML by lowkeywicked