Chika Yamasaki



7 months, 17 days ago




Name Chika Yamasaki
SExual orientationbi (male leaning)
BirthdayMay 25
Theme Song link

Chika is one of four children born in the Yamasaki family, the third youngest. They're a family that lives within the town of Yoria, and make a living as blacksmiths. A skill and job that has been in their family for many generations. Chika doesn't look the part at all, but she greatly enjoys the job. 

Chika is a bright and lively person. She's not shy, and enjoys the company of all types of people. A bit of a social chameleon. As much as Chika enjoys socializing though, the girl can not sit still. If she's talking with you, she's more than likely doing something; folding paper cranes, cleaning a room, repairing a weapon. Busy work makes her the happiest. Chika does her best to hide when she's feeling down or upset, but her actions tend to betray her. A paper crane folded wrong, putting things on wrong shelfs, messing up her repairs.

Chika has very long and silky hair, that is done in a half up half down style. She enjoys wearing hair accessories, the butterfly in her hair being her favorite. She's got a very average build and height. She is right handed.


  • Collecting various weapons
  • green tea
  • hair accessories
  • hot springs


  • being alone
  • coffee
  • when her feelings get in the way
  • rude customers

Stats & SKILLS



Chika is very comfortable with most weapons, seeing how she deals with them on the daily. She's most skilled with the naginata. When it comes to actual battle though, she has no experience, so her skills there could use work. Her strength is a surprise to everyone around her, herself included.


N/A yuuup


N/A yeeee


Chika is born in the Yamasaki family, a well known blacksmith clan in Yoria. She has two older siblings, Takane and Taishou. As well as a younger brother, Naru. When it comes to their family work, Chika is a jack of all trades in the back of the house. Despite this though, Chika is usually the one working up front with customers. Her social skills and cute appearance tends to land good sales. Chika greatly loves her family, and working the family trade.

There's a part of her, in the back of her head, where she tries to ignore it. That feeling that she doesn't quite belong at times. Maybe like her brother Taishou, she too wants to see more out there. Chika can't really explain it, not really understanding her own feelings.

Her school life is mostly peaceful, mostly. For the past few months at school, Chika finds herself with a crush on the new boy in town, Devi. Despite her attempts to show interest in him, it would seem he's growing closer with her brother, Naru. While Chika is taking it in stride, she hates to admit that her heart is crushed.






Takane Yamasaki062.gif [ big sister ]

The oldest sibling in the Yamasaki family. (Even if only by a few minutes!) Despite Takane being older, Chika can't help but find her big sister to be really cute! She can tell Takane has a thing for her friend, Emi. Chika thinks it's a wonderful thing, and secretly roots her sister on! (Takane is far too shy, so Chika knows not to push it!) A healthy and happy sister relationship between the two.


Taishou Yamasaki [ big brother ]

The second oldest sibling in the Yamasaki family. Taishou is the sibling Chika would say she's most alike. Her older brother being very friendly and chatty as well. She loves going to Taishou's room, after a day of work, and gossip about whatever's been going on in life. Chika also loves to hear about Taishou's love life. Falling in love with a boy from across the seas, so romantic! A healthy and happy sibling relationship between the two.


Naruhito 'Naru' Yamasaki [ little brother ]

The youngest sibling in the Yamasaki family. Chika wouldn't say she's very close with Naru, despite the close age gap. His boisterous personality, with his stubborn and rude streak are hard to deal with. When Naru is causing problems, she'd rather Takane or Taishou take care of it. And to top it all off with Naru, it would seem he's becoming very close with the boy Chika likes. Despite this though, she still loves him as a brother. Instead of hate, it might be more accurate to say she's jealous of him.

Devian 'Devi' Novlyn047.gif [ friend, crush ]

The newest person to join their school. There hasn't been a new face in the classroom in many years, so when Devi joined; it was all the buzz. Chika found herself instantly attracted to him. Being the social butterfly she is, Chika would go out of her way a lot to be around Devi, talking with him whenever she got the chance. Despite her attempts, it doesn't seem as though Devi notices. Weather he's oblivious, or is trying to let her down softly, it's hard to tell.

Bridget Wight045.gif [ best friend ]

Chika is very happy to call Bridget her best friend. Bridget has gone through a lot in the past, losing both her parents. Chika can see how it's shaped her friend into the person she is  today. The people around them would say Chika is very good for Bridget. She's able to get the younger girl out of her shell more. Chika absolutely loves Bridget's imagination though, and she feels she can be more silly when the two are together. The two of them love making up stories and acting them out.

William Lindberg | Kota Abbott063.gif [ friend ]

A friend from school. Chika would say she's good friends with everyone from her classroom. Sometimes though, she wonders about William. He doesn't talk with her much. And when they do, he almost never makes eye contact with her. His body language when she's around always looks uncomfortable as well. She's not sure what's changed between the two of them, he wasn't like this when they were younger.

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