Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



Hello,i am Dvalin (he/him)! Please read this warning if you 're new here!


The subjects below are frequent in my characters/stories.

Any potentially triggering topics that aren't listed here will be mentioned in the respective character's profle warning.

Note: Mental health subjects are also very present in my works.

SwearingUndeadAbuseSuicideDeathAlien characters


  • At times it's hard for me to identify jokes or sarcasm,using tone tags with me is preferred.
  • I am pretty shy and socially awkward. Sometimes don't answer comments or start conversations,i don't mean to be unfriendly or standoffish whenever i do that.
  • Sometimes i may not be aware when i do something wrong. If that's the case,please don't hesitate to tell me on my DMs.
  • English isn't my first language,so i may make occasional grammar mistakes.


Anyone is welcome here as long as you act civil. That means,if you happen to be a hateful person (racist,nazi,lgbtphobe,etc.) you are not welcome here.

Also,please do not try to proselytize me,i have had bad experiences with that and i will not hesitate to block if you do that to me.

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No thanks!