♢ Damien Aragon



5 years, 11 months ago


Damien Aragon



Called: Damien
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'1
Build: Toned and buff
Race: Demon
Role: Student
Theme: X
HTML: lowkeywicked



Damien grew up in a very hard situation, At the age of 9 his father decided to leave his mother to "go for a younger woman" according to his mother, and he never saw him after that, and no one knows where he is or where he went. He had no father figure for the remainder of his life and didn't feel as complete. He dreamt about having father-son bonding experiences, but they never came. this made him more on the softer side, due to his mother being the sweet lady she was, he was taught kindness and compassion, which made him a target for bullying due to his "soft" nature.

Damien went to a regular and kind of stingy primary school, meaning regular teachers and regular rules, so he could get treated very poorly with little consequence, thus being a common target. Overtime he noticed another student who was in the same situation as him, but he admired this student cause they didn't get upset, didn't retaliate, it just didn't effect this kid, he had a constant poker face and Damien admired that a lot. So one day he approached them, and he decided to hang out with him, since he seemed lonely and didn't seem to mind either, he discovered their name was Cai. He ended up letting Cai influence him, letting him more confident around the kids who loved to bully him.

One day one of the bullies came up to him and try to make fun of his change of demeanour, pushing him around and calling him a try-hard. he was feed up with all the abuse and Cai was motioning for him to do something, so he defended himself and ended up getting the bullies severally hurt. he ended up getting suspended, but Cai came to visit and his mother was proud of him finally standing up for himself.

While at his home mid suspension, one of his very intimating lady, Ms Edra approached his doorstep. requesting that Damien attends her Combat classes, as she saw footage of the fight, and she saw gleaming potential through this boy. Damien and his mother gladly accepted and he started training a few days after. He became more physically fit and more confident. he stopped getting bullied due to becoming more broad and confident knowing he could defend himself.




  • cute things, this could range from animals to cute girls (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • fast paced video games
  • Cuddling
  • self care
  • exercise
  • Spicy food
  • parties
  • his mother uwu
  • BeLlE COuGh


  • Abandonment
  • loneliness
  • dying alone
  • seeing his friends hurt
  • people not accepting him
  • People who are fake/ look fake
  • liars
  • Winter


  • His household is pretty small, it mainly just includes him, and his mother. his father is "deceased" but he also has no siblings.
  • His powers include increased agility and teleportation. can also wield swords. He has a dagger that was gifted to him from Ms Edra.
  • As a child he went outside a lot, he always got dirty and liked making little sculptures out of dirt and leaves.
  • His "smell" is Vanilla bean, due to liking candles.
  • Damien trained at the same dojo Cai did, so they got to hang out there.
  • Cai would always come over to his house when they were kids, and they'd play videos games, play outside, etc.


Quick thinking


Swordsmanship & Physical combat
He excels at physical combat and swordsmanship, as hes been trained in those subjects, and has also increased agility and can teleport. a quick thinker but if under stress might not work so well. His weaknesses in combat are mostly having to wield range weapons, (eg guns, spears) as he cant aim for his life and wasn't trained in that area.

Skill name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Skill name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


A strong and kind boy, knows how to stand up for himself and will defend him and his friends at any cost. on the outside he can come off as a joker (which he is bUt i dIgrEss) but if you manage to become closer he will do anything to protect you. but he does really enjoy joking around and having fun and doing some crazy shit. pretty outgoing but hes actually a very soft boy whos very Loving and down to earth, despite coming off as loud and energetic, he does sincerely want someone to love, talk and cuddle with.

Design notes

He has a tall and muscular build, while hes not incredibly buff he does have abs. he has long hair that stops at his chest, he takes very good care of his hair and will never be seen with greasy locks. He also has some slight freckles.

His style is "cool but casual" keep it in mind for alt outfits

he either has his hair out or in a saggy low ponytail! please dont give him girly hairstyles thats not his thing!

Alt outfits in encouraged! give him something nice uwu


Vivamus libero eros, eleifend vitae nibh nec, imperdiet euismod leo. Etiam sed maximus mi, eget semper neque. Pellentesque feugiat sed nibh quis pharetra. Praesent fringilla mauris purus, a sagittis purus consequat sed. Nullam non augue scelerisque, pellentesque massa sodales, sagittis ex. Praesent efficitur dolor vitae nisl fringilla cursus. Nunc condimentum tortor ac condimentum viverra. Donec at enim diam. Vivamus mollis, odio scelerisque suscipit placerat, lectus nunc sollicitudin lectus, id blandit eros justo ut leo. Nullam tincidunt neque nec dui condimentum, a sagittis odio consectetur. Nullam sodales, metus ac imperdiet laoreet, urna neque tincidunt nunc, ac cursus augue arcu id nisi. Nunc ac pharetra diam.


"You mean the world to me.."



[ Best friend ]

They've been though a lot together and Damien was Cais first real friend. They played video games and would confide in each other and wouldn't be scared to talk about any topic with each other. They rarely argue and when they do its over small things and they forget about it after a while. Damien is the only person Cai feels comfortable telling certain things to.



[ Crush/Girldfriend ]

Belle and Damien both have big crushes on each other. it stemmed from the fact that they're both insane lovers of video games, and then they just kept finding that they liked the same things and they just really enjoy each others personality. Damien finds Belle incredibly attractive as he thinks shes very cute and everything that shes insecure about is something Damien finds attractive.



[ relationship ]

Damien has known Erin forever, they meet because their parents were friends and they just hit it off. They train together and Damien considers her to be a very important person to him. Even though besides physical activity they dont have alot of similar interests her still loves her. (PLATONICALLY).



[ Good friend ]

Amelia means a lot to Damien. Amelia is a very sweet and kind soul and Damien has always admired her for that. Damien will usually go to Amelia for any advice he'd need. When he would get really sappy about something he'd go to talk to her, since Cai doesnt really know how to react in that situation.