Yellow (The Smile)



7 months, 11 days ago


Custom slugcat for multiplayer rain world co-op and fan character<3 (All in game sprite art for them is also by me)


Made as part of a challenge with my wife to both make yellow lizard themed slugcats, in one sitting, without showing each other the results before playing. Needless to say we both had a good laugh at the resulting scugs and it was totally worth it. c:

The reasoning was that yellow lizards are pack animals that have.. telepathy, apparently. Or something like it. For the in-game critters of rain world, surely two players talking outside of the game would SEEM to have an almost telepathic ability to sync their actions- hence, yellow lizard slug cats for multiplayer nonsense~.

Yellow/The Smile is the buddy of Orange and the cheerful member of the duo.. Or at least they look that way since they're almost always smiling due to the shape of their face! They aren't statistically any different from the usual speed and strength of a standard slugcat, but they have an uncanny ability to coordinate and plan with Orange, seemingly without even having line of sight or over considerable distance.

Yellow and Orange were made by two different Iterators that were part of a local group together. Even though their creators weren't particularly close, the two scugs forged a kinship of some kind over their similar modifications and ability to link minds.