Levora Kuiper



9 months, 3 days ago


Basic Information:

-Name: Levora Kuiper

-Gender: Female

-Age: 41 yo

-Date of Birth: Sept. 22nd (will be 42 in 2024)

-Species: Passimian (#766)

-Occupation/Career Path: Homemaker

Physical Description:

-Height: 6'4"

-Weight: 160 lbs

-Build: Tall and slim, but she packs a lot of power in her physique! 

Background Information:


[GOOD] Patient

[Good] Flexible


[NEUTRAL] Forceful

[NEGATIVE] Anxious


-Background: ((These are just the Sparknotes lol, I'll write it out with a more detailed timeline later, once more is revealed through chats and such!))

* Decided they wanted to adopt a child, they filled out all necessary documents, went through the orientations/training/counseling, and passed the home checks.  When viewing the available children from their chosen agency, one in particular caught their attention. A boy who had been sent from one place to another, passed around and returned so many times…

* She and her husband started visiting Hoku in the orphanage when he was about 8yo, trying to get to know him and gain his trust. After expressing their firm interest in adopting him, they were eventually given permission to foster him for 8 months as a trial period.

* When the trial period was over, Levora was overjoyed to find that Hoku did in fact want to stay and consented to the adoption. He was now a permanent resident of their Seafolk Village home!

* Over those happy years, she got to observe and grow closer to her boy, watching him make friends with a local dewpider girl. However, the teenage years grew to bring something she'd never anticipated…

* During a trip to Hoenn for the Millenium Comet Festival when he was about 14, Hoku wandered away from their tent for a nighttime hike. Him going on walks was not abnormal, but the call she received when another civilian found him on the ground was- her son had fallen off of a cliff in the dark, and was being rushed to the emergency room, unconscious and covered in rubble. His phone was the only reason they could identify him and contact his family.

* The sight that awaited her at the ER was baffling: her boy was no longer a minior. At least, not completely. He had somehow fused with the mythical being Jirachi, and these legendary traits were the ONLY reason the doctor could tell her that he hadn't been dead on arrival. The change was brutal for Hoku, as well as their peers back home, to adapt to. But Levora didn't care. Her boy was safe and alive, and that was all that mattered. She would find ways to help ease his burdens. She would keep him close, keep him safe…

* But keeping him close by her side wasn't helping. Even in the same rooms, taking him to his favourite stores, cooking him his favourite meals… Hoku might as well have still been in Hoenn. He was so quiet, so distant… more than was normal for him. He had made no new friends. He showed no real interest in anything or anyone. And frankly, the only interest others had shown in him since his return had been… unsavory. At best, his peers giggled and cooed and called him 'cute'. At worst, she'd overheard the harsh whispers and snickers around town about her 'freak' of a son. 

* This was no life for Hoku. It wasn't fair, that she couldn't shield him from the world. It wasn't fair that he couldn't be happy here anymore, when she so clearly remembered the joyous 10 year old prancing with his best friend and talking at her dinner table a few years ago. But if he couldn't thrive here, it was her duty to find a new place where he would flourish. If they had to move, so be it.

* To her surprise, Hoku must have been pondering the same thing. Before she could even begin to think of towns to move to, he approached her and begged (it was so very rare for him to ASK for anything) to enroll in Marilos Academy for high school, in another region. It did ring a bell. The very same school his friend had gone to a couple of years before.

* After asking Jubilee's parents about it and doing research on her own, she and her husband relented. Though it filled her with unease, she would let Hoku live on campus at the Academy. Her husband couldn't leave his job just yet, and they would need more time to ponder real estate in Marilos. Besides… this was new for Hoku. Who was to say he wouldn't change his mind and come back home to Alola in a few months?

* The first year with Hoku gone was incredibly stressful for Levora. She tried to keep herself busy at home and around town, and checked in often by phone.

* However, it seemed like Hoku wasn't telling her everything. Sometimes he could be withdrawn, cagey… Despite her best attempts to let him be and loosen her grip, Levora can't deny her worry. After finding out about a unique chatroom designed for parents to communicate with the Academy, she signed up immediately! Hopefully she can get to the bottom of anything concerning…

-Relationship to School/Student: Hoku Kuiper's Mother

-Children: Hoku Kuiper

Pokemon Information:

-Typing: Fighting

-Ability: Defiant - raises the ability-bearer's Attack by two stages when hit by a stat-lowering move.

-Held Item: None


HP: 100

Attack: 120

Defense: 90

Special Attack: 40

Special Defense: 60

Speed: 80

Total Stat Points: 490


( NORMAL ) Quick Guard

( FIGHTING ) Close Combat

( NORMAL ) Focus Energy

( DARK ) Scary Face