


8 years, 4 months ago


“Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring.'” 

Name: Frost Byte Willow-- Pronunciation: [frôst] [bīt] [ˈwilō] -- Nickname: None -- Age: 15 -- Gender: Male
Birth date: November 18, 2116 -- Zodiac: Scorpio -- Species: Time Wyrm Centaur -- Occupation: Bobble merchant

Family: His father's name is Sorrow and his mother's name is Whisper. They're both Time Wyrm Centaurs. He has three siblings. His sister, Aspen, is the eldest. Topple, his brother, is the second eldest. Frost is the third in line and the youngest is a boy named Chess.
Pets: The family has a husky named Amy
Love interest:
Physical description: 
 6'2" He manages to keep himself the correct weight. His skin is a pale blue color, dotted with many brown freckles. He has pointed ears, tufted with off-white fur that fades to a brownish-black. Tufts similar to this also grow on his elbows. The hair on his head, the mane that runs down his back, and the large tuft of his tail are all pastel blue in color, being more white towards the roots. His hands have large sharp claws on them, deep blue in color with what appears to be stars printed in them. His hair is curly and, to go along with that, so is all of his fur. His body is long and slender, with a tail even longer than the rest of him. His yellow-white fur is coated in three different colors of yellow-brown stripes that curl over each other in odd patterns. His feet and tail tip fade to the same brown-black color as the turfs on his torso. His front claws hardly jut out from underneath the heavy feathering of his front feet. The appear to be the same as those on his hands, looking like a sky full of stars. The feathering on his hind feet is so thick that his claws cannot be seen. Three panels rest in his sides and will show the area he's in at different times of day. The first panel will show midday, the second is sunset, and the third is midnight. In between the first and the second is a small yellow sphere, while between the second and the third is a silver sphere. The images in the panels can and will move. A single fang pokes from the left side of his mouth. His left eye is white with a yellow iris and dark pupil, while his right eye is black, with a silver iris and lighter pupil. He has a black forked tongue, as well as black blood.
Back story:
Personal problems:
Pet peeves:
Thanks to his powerful claws, he's able to spend his time extracting crystals from stones or carving rocks into small shapes. He'll often wander deep into caves for long spans of time in an effort to find minerals to use. He'll use what he finds to make bits of jewelry or simply refine them. Also, it's difficult for Frost to stay in the same place for an extended amount of time, so he often wanders into new places and, even more often, gets himself lost.
Special skills:
His voice sounds a bit warped, due to him being deaf.

Places they've lived:
Due to not being a fighter, he doesn't carry a weapon on him. If it came down to it, though, his sharp claws and teeth would come in handy.
Kind of clothing:
Languages spoken: He speaks Basic, although it doesn't quite sound correct thanks to his slur.
Smells like: 
Ice and damp fur.
Theme song:
Design changes over time:
Do they like the name they were given: 
Cat or dog person:  Cat person
Are they ticklish: Only on his neck or the belly of his centaur part.
Do they play any instruments: 
Strengths: Much stronger than he looks, powerful claws
Deaf, can't pronounce most words exactly correct

Favorite color: Ice blue