Andromedus's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Rbf_reese Global Rules


PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ MY TOS BEFORE DOING ANY BUSINESS WITH ME. If you have not read my TOS before doing so, it is not my fault and you must abide by the rules i have given you according to my TOS and as long as you own a design by me!




I have a small 3 strike warn system, usually not many people get them but this will basically show how it works. I do not have to give you any warnings before Greylisting/Blacklisting you, as the reasons for those could mean a lot of things.

Warnings are given if you have broken a rule on my TOS.

WARN 1 = Nothing

WARN 2 = Greylist

WARN 3  = Possibly Blacklist. Takes a lot to get here!

General TOS

  1. You must credit me correctly when using art/designs by me, if you post my art anywhere, whether i’m on the platform or not, INCLUDING PINTEREST, you must credit me. Link one of my accounts on the post, preferably my toyhouse under the name rbf_reese. This especially applies to toyhouse as well, please credit me properly, thank you!
  2. I WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ON MY TOS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LIKE IT OR DO NOT AGREE WITH IT. My TOS is meant to protect me and/or my work, If you do find something off/wrong with my TOS, you are free to talk to me about it, but it is likely i will not change it.
  3. If you do not agree with my TOS nor feel comfortable or like it, you may sell the design you have adopted/commissioned from me for whatever you bought it for. 
  4. I may take a few months to finish a commission. I have things IRL that may delay it and I apologize for the wait time if this becomes so in your case and you are free to refund/ask for updates during this time, don’t be scared to ask!
  5. If you want your commission done sooner, you are allowed to give a deadline. However, please be aware that it could be hard for me to abide by it, depending on what’s going on with me at that time.
  6. Please do not commission anyone on my blacklist, especially of designs you own by me, i mean it. I barely ever get people on my blacklist and when i do, it is for a good reason. I don’t want any loopholes, whether they are your friend you are trying to get ship art from or this very cool artist you like, please respect this.
  7. Pay within 24 hours please after you have won a bid. Payment plans are allowed for bids over $50 but you must pay half upfront first. We must both agree on a payment plan before you try doing this.
  8. I usually don’t do holds. You may ask but due to how i am, its likely i will not agree with doing one unless its a smaller one. (2-4 hours or so.)
  9. Please make sure to read Art/Design usage as there may be additional rules, thank you!
  10. There will be designs that might appear similar in theme Since people frequently ask for a specific theme/or if I like a certain theme (for example: Apple, angel, creepy, weirdcore/poolroom etc) there might be designs that will appear similar. please keep this in mind when receiving anything from me, thank you.

Art/Design Usage

  1. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL/TRADE MY DESIGNS TO SOMEONE THAT’S ON MY BLACKLIST. You will also get blacklisted for this if you knew they were there in the first place, if not and you think it was a misunderstanding, let me know unless i have you blocked.
  2. You may NOT edit my art/designs in any way without asking first . This is to avoid people from making a completely different design or just straight up drawing over my art. You are allowed to redesign my designs slightly if it wouldn’t change much, and you are also allowed to completely redesign older designs without having to ask. (2016-2018)
  3. You are allowed to species swap my designs! Whether it’s making them humanoid, anthro, a canine, a feline, a closed species, i don’t mind at all as long as the design remains recognizable! Have fun!
  4. I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH “TWIN” VERSIONS OF MY DESIGNS! Unless it is completely different or inspired i am not comfortable with anything that is specifically identical or very similar copies of a design i made, if you want twins like that, please allow me to design the twin myself or work with me to make it.
  5. YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO SELL A DESIGN FOR MORE THEN WHAT YOU BOUGHT YOU FOR! their value is at zero unless you have made detailed art of it, or commissioned it from someone else. Please give it back to me if you have received it from me or gift it back to whoever gifted you them to you. You may only sell/trade them if you have commissioned art of them or gotten art of them, again gift art doesn’t add value!
  6. PLEASE DO NOT USE A DESIGN UNLESS YOU HAVE FULLY PAID FOR IT. Yes i have a dumb habit of transferring to people before payment because i trust them, please do not take advantage of that.
  7. YOU MAY USE MY DESIGNS AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT USED FOR: commercial usage without my consent or knowledge, scamming, ripoffs, using them to harm anyone in anyway (emotionally), hate speech, homophobia, racist usage, bigot opinions, etc.
  8. Please don’t hide my art from me! I sometimes go to check in/look at design profiles of designs i made, sometimes because i am proud of them, need to keep track of it for personal reasons, or just in general to keep track of to avoid others getting scammed
  9. I like being informed! It helps me keep track of my designs and again, similar to the reasons for rule 8, please, if you wish, please let me know when you have sold/traded a design of mine just for the sake of it! Its very useful and makes me happy.
  10. Regarding tracking I may have some people who will do the work for me, such as mod who are my friends/muts, keep that in mind that if i can’t remind you of my TOS, they most def will. But its always likely i will

11. Please, if you are given a GIFT, and unless it has extra art, please do not trade it off or sell it. Even if it does have extra art, it always nice to ask the person who gave it to you for free if they want it back or if it’s ok to trade. I know there are certainly circumstances where sometimes you will just trade the gift, but please don’t do that without extra art attached.


You may get on my greylist if you seem odd or I don’t trust you, it can also be because you have had warnings in the past, I may not give you a reason to why you are here.

Anyone on my greylist may not be able to commission me or get many more designs from me, but they could still try.

There is no time where you will be removed from here unless i say so.

  1. KrxpticGhxst for making/commissioning designs heavily referencing they were denied the ability to purchase 


If you are on my blacklist, you are NOT allowed to use my art or designs, you may keep my designs, but you are advised to sell/trade them as you are not allowed to obtain more from me or anyone else.

There is no time where you will be removed from here unless i say so. Asking to be removed is usually frowned upon, don’t try it.

please do not harass the people listed on my blacklist.

You may be blacklisted for many reasons which are:

1. Tracing my work or others.

2. stealing or copying/ripping off my designs or others.

3. scamming me or others.

4. doing anything illegal like harassment, black mailing etc.

5. being known for any of the above and still doing it.

6. Making me uncomfortable/ doing somethings that make me not want to do any kind of business with you.

  1. Goreintact/bittydreamz And any other username that they go with.
  2. Luvspork and any other usernames they go with
  3. Darkmintys.desire / Mintys_sweet_treats for multiple reasons, 1 being they make me uncomfortable.
  4. Chomp_n_meat, copied designs, and other gross info such as supporting a creep
  5. LambOfRegress, buys from Chomp regularly, they are aware of his actions but still choose to support him
  6. Glowbug, they simply make me uncomfortable, and have very concerning allegations against them.