
8 months, 28 days ago


Do i absolutely ADORE the name Dante and made a second character with the same name but in another universe? Yes. (NOTE: he has nothing to do with my ROTTMNT Dante!!)

- Dan’s def the baby of the family. He was born after Donnie spilled some mutagen on him, and bam, they got themselves a baby bro.

- He's a bit of a quiet kid, not really the talkative type. He prefers to keep to himself most of the time.

- Dante's no slouch in the smarts department, just like Donnie. But he's leans more to biology, biochemistry, and all that sciency stuff. Plus, he's absolutely nuts about animals. Get him started on that, and you better have some time to spare, cuz he can rant about meerkat social hierarchies or why cats are overpowered for hours on end xD

- Cleanliness is a big deal for Dante. He read a gruesome medical book once, full of pictures of nasty infected wounds, and now he's always on edge about keeping things squeaky clean, especially when his brothers get injured while fighting.

- One of the things that makes Dante stand out from his more out-going brothers is how he handles his emotions, or rather, doesn't handle them. His face isn’t exactly the most expressive, so he can seem sarcastic or unenthusiastic even when he's genuinely happy or excited.

- Danny's all about telling it like it is. He's not into sugarcoating things, so if you ask him a question, he'll straight-up ask if you want the pretty answer or the real deal. That brutal honesty can throw people off sometimes, but at least you know where you stand.

- Dante has a knack for sneaking up on people accidentally. He's just so quiet that he creeps up without meaning to, it can be a little spooky.

- Handling other folks' emotions is a bit of a challenge for him. Even if he's genuinely worried or cares about someone, he can come off a bit awkward or distant when trying to show it.

(Sorry it's so messy xD i just wanted to get my ideas out as quickly as possible aaa)