
8 months, 5 days ago




Gender Female
Pronouns She / They
Sexuality Sapphic Ace
Located Quiet, forgotten home
Species Liquid-Soft
Status Forever Homed


Reserved Distant Minded Well-Read Cold Unsympathetic


Named Apiary purely because none could get any other title out of her, this Soft is a curious one. Not in the sense of having a curiosity, no, only that they seem to attract it. Whilst others want to watch and study, they merely keep to their hives and plants. It's a simple life they wish to live really, one not worthy of the scrunity some folk seem to wish it under. But alas, what could one do? You talk to a dead thing once or twice, and you feed them to your dear bugs, and suddenly you're the curious fright of the town.


She doesn't remember much, only the sunset and smell of rotting flowers. She can't recall anything aside from those simple factors, and those as a result were her beginning. With a friend by her side, one who chatted a little too much for other's liking, the life she lived was one of perhaps monotony, but simplicity. Because in the end, she couldn't remember anything but this life. This dear, dear life, where her only worry is making tea in time for her friend to not try himself, and where her time is spent with the dear insects that litter her backyard.

She doesn't care for popularity. She doesn't care to even remember before what she can. Because in the end, someone else will forget their memories. And all she can hope for, with a small wish, is that they'll wake up here just as she did. And that they'll continue the work all the same, just as she has now.



  • Entirely nocturnal, and can only be seen waking as the sun starts to set.
  • Flowers are taken from the graves in the back, the ones loved by her dearest bees.
  • Often is seen talking to animals, not just her insects. Regardless of their state or condition, alive or dead, she will talk to them with ease and kindness.
  • Tinctures and jams sold via curious means. No one's met her, but they know where it comes from. At the very least, her harvest is the finest you'll find, regardless of the methods.