


5 years, 10 months ago


Art by Runestorm







Lawful Good

Show dog

/ Alive

Art by Runestorm


Galileo is a world-renowned German Shepherd showdog who has been pampered and treated like royalty throughout his life. He has always been the center of attention, winning many prizes at shows all over the world. However, during a trip to one of his shows, an unfortunate accident caused his crate to be switched. His crate was put on the wrong boat. He knew what was going on and tried to alert the handlers but they wouldn't listen. During his transfer, there was a harsh sea environment which caused the boat to sink. After what felt like an eternity, Galileo's cage stranded on the land of Serein Caelum. Galileo's fur was completely soaked, which gave him the worst first chance at life in the wilderness. Galileo struggled a lot to survive since he had never been on his own before. He was so used to being taken care of and had no idea how to find food or shelter. During his first attempt of searching for food, he came across a mother bear who sees him as a threat. The bear attacked Galileo, causing serious injuries that left him even weaker than he was before. How was he going to survive if there was no way for him to get food or water?


As a show dog, Galileo was the epitome of class and excellence. He was always very confident, had a graceful temperament, and a brilliant mind. He loved the spotlight and attention, thriving on it. He was always on top of his game and always gave his absolute best, whether it be in the ring or during training. He was truly a showdog in every sense of the word. Unfortunately Galileo's personality changed rapidly after stranding on Serein Caelum. He was filled with fear and uncertainty. He was unsure and hesitant as he navigated his way through the unfamiliar environment. He was cautious and apprehensive about everything he encountered, from the strange sounds and smells around him to the unknown creatures that he came across. He found himself questioning everything he had known and had to adjust to a completely different way of life. He became wary of his surroundings and found it difficult to trust his instincts and judgment, always second-guessing himself.


  • Being groomed
  • Training
  • Sleeping under the stars


  • A dirty coat
  • Rain
  • Hunting

Goals and Dreams

Galileo's goal is to learn how to survive in the wilderness and adapt to his new environment. He wants to learn new skills and become self-sufficient, but he also wants to find other canines he can trust and be part of a pack. He realizes it's not easy to trust anyone or anything in the wild, but he also knows the benefits of being part of a pack. He longs for companionship and wants to belong to a group of fellow canines.

Art by Runestorm
Art by Runestorm


Galileo has well developed muscles which gives him a strong and muscular build with a strong neck that is proportionate to his size and supports his head and muzzle. He has medium-sized ears are alert and perked up. He also has a strong jaw with well-developed teeth that are white and sparkling, indicating that he has good oral health.

Galileo is a German Shepherd with a black and tan coat. His outer coat is black and tan with a black saddle pattern, which is a common and popular coloration in German Shepherds. His coat is also straight, coarse, and dense with flat hair that lies close to his body, which gives him a shiny and elegant appearance. His undercoat is thick and softer than the outer coat, providing extra insulation and protection for his skin and body. He also has a longer and thicker coat in the neck area, which is a common characteristic of German Shepherds. The thicker coat offers extra protection for the sensitive areas of his body, such as the neck and face. Overall, Galileo is a great example of an impressive German Shepherd show line dog.

Physical info

Species Dog (German Shepherd)

Build Muscular

Withers height 65 cm

Weight 38 kg

Sex Male

Design notes

  • Symmetrical
  • Black dot at vibrissae
  • Slightly grey shine on black parts of coat

Life as a showdog

Galileo was born into a world of excitement and adventure. He was the latest member of a well-known showline family, with a pedigree that was famous for producing beautiful and talented dogs. From the moment he entered the world, Galileo was surrounded by love, attention, and care. As a puppy, Galileo loved to explore and play with his littermates. He was always eager to learn new things and made fast progress in his training and socialization. He was incredibly curious about the world around him, and often got into mischief by testing the limits of what was allowed. His love for his humans and other animals was undeniable, and he had a great capacity for empathy and understanding.

As Galileo grew older, he began to participate in dog shows and competitions. He was trained in obedience and agility skills and became a skilled competitor, winning many prizes and accolades for his performance. His love and passion for his work only grew as he achieved success, and he became a well-known and respected member of the dog show community. Galileo was known for his beauty, grace, and intelligence, and he won over the hearts of countless people who had the privilege of meeting him. He was a true ambassador for the breed and helped to educate and inspire others about what it meant to own and care for a showline dog.

Art by Runestorm

First love

In the first few weeks of being in the wild, Galileo struggled a lot to survive since he had never been on his own before. He was used to being taken care of and had no idea how to hunt or find shelter. During his first attempt to explore the forest, he came across a mother bear who saw him as a threat. The bear attacked Galileo, causing serious injuries that left him many deep wounds. As he laid there, struggling to survive, he was starting to lose hope, as there was no way for him to find food or water.

A few hours later he heard a strange noise, and then a female canine emerged from the bushes. She had a strong and confident aura about her. She had a lot of scars, showing she had clearly been through a lot to be able to survive. She seemed to have a deep understanding of the forest knowing how to find shelter and food, as well as who to avoid.

Her name was Sevryn. She had been out exploring and hunting, when she heard some strange sounds and noticed that something was wrong. She followed her instincts and found Galileo in a terrible condition, with blood and dirt covering his fur. She was horrified when she saw Galileo lying there weak and hurt in the forest. At first, she was unsure what to do. Could she trust him? She took the risk and knew she had to help him if there was any chance of saving his life. She carefully approached him, sniffing at his wounds and assessing the damage. She could tell that he was hurt badly and needed urgent treatment. Galileo was unconscious at this time.

Without hesitation, Sevryn picked him up and carried him to her den. She cleaned and treated his wounds, providing him with food and water until he was strong enough to recover. All the while, she kept him company, comforting him and providing the emotional support he needed in this difficult time.

When Galileo finally recovered, he was incredibly grateful to Sevryn for saving his life. He felt a deep connection to her and knew that she would always have a special place in his heart. From that moment on, they were inseparable, spending every day exploring and hunting together in this vast and beautiful forest. As they spent more and more time together, they began to fall in love. He was fascinated by her strength and bravery, as well as her intelligence and kindness. Sevryn, in turn, found Galileo's curiosity and desire to learn endearing.

After a few months, Sevryn finally trusted him completely and invited him to meet the pack. Galileo was hesitant at first, worried about being accepted by the other wolves, who were clearly more experienced and knowledgeable than he was. But he proved himself to be a quick learner, and before long, he had won over the entire pack. They respected his strength, intelligence, and loyalty, and soon he was one of their most trusted members.

In time, Sevryn and Galileo even had pups of their own, and they raised them together, teaching them everything they knew about the forest, hunting, and survival. They had many amazing adventures, from hunting for food to exploring the secret caves and streams. Sevryn was the love of Galileo's life, and he knew he owed her everything.

Art by Artist

First prey

Galileo and Sevryn had been a hunting team for several months now, and Galileo had finally mastered the art of hunting. It had taken him many failed attempts to finally catch his first rabbit, but the feeling of success was incredible. He had been hungry and motivated to catch food for both himself and Sevryn, but the satisfaction that came with finally catching his prey was unlike anything else he had ever experienced. As he carried the dead rabbit back to their den, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He had done it! He had caught something that he could use to sustain not only himself but also someone he cared about deeply. It was a truly cathartic moment for him, and he could feel himself growing stronger and more confident with each passing day.

Sevryn was incredibly proud of Galileo and his accomplishments, and she made sure to show him her appreciation by giving him extra attention and praise. She knew that hunting was a vital skill, especially in the wild, and she was glad that Galileo had finally honed it. They spent the rest of the day feasting on the rabbit and basking in the satisfaction of a job well done.

Art by Artist


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam posuere pulvinar mollis. Morbi volutpat quam a magna mollis tempus. Vestibulum nunc nulla, ornare id volutpat id, dictum eget arcu. Sed eros magna, ultrices nec nulla quis, volutpat luctus lacus. Maecenas gravida mattis imperdiet. Aenean egestas est in massa euismod volutpat. Sed posuere odio justo, nec convallis nunc cursus quis. Sed fringilla mi rutrum nulla fringilla, nec maximus turpis vestibulum.

Donec mattis, tortor varius dapibus mattis, felis tellus condimentum quam, at auctor massa urna eget nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent auctor sapien vel tortor feugiat, sed pharetra quam dignissim. Nam tincidunt dignissim orci. Phasellus ornare, ipsum fringilla ullamcorper dignissim, magna dolor tincidunt turpis, et finibus mauris ipsum vitae elit.

Art by Artist

His death

Galileo lived a long and fulfilling life, surrounded by his loved ones and his favorite things. He had a home, a warm bed, and always had access to food and water. He spent his days playing and running in the fields, exploring the wilderness, and meeting new people. Despite his age and years of life, Galileo retained his strength, energy, and determination for a long time. He was still able to keep up with the younger ones and never missed a chance to go on exciting adventures. Over time, Galileo began to slow down and his physical abilities began to decline. His eyesight began to worsen and his hearing began to deteriorate. He began to have difficulty walking and needed help with daily tasks such as eating and drinking. As he laid there in his final moments, surrounded by the ones he loved, Galileo saw visions of his owner. He saw his owner's smiling face and remembered all the happy memories they shared together. He remembered the long walks, the fun car rides, and the endless love and affection his owner gave him. In his final moments, Galileo felt a sense of peace and contentment. He knew that he had lived a long and full life and that he had been loved and cared for by those around him. He had been a loyal and faithful companion, and he had given everything he could to those he loved. As he took his last breath, Galileo felt a sense of relief and contentment. He knew that he was going to be reunited with his owner and that he would always be remembered. His memory would live on through the countless happy memories and the love he received from his loved ones.
Art by Artist

After his death

After Galileo's death, his loved ones came together to mourn his passing and pay their respects. The funeral was a small, intimate gathering with a few close friends and family members who shared stories and memories of him. The mood was somber, but also filled with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the impact Galileo had made on their lives. As they honored Galileo's memory, they shared stories of their favorite adventures with him, from long walks in the forest to playing in the water. They talked about his goofy antics and his unconditional love. They laughed, cried, and supported each other as they navigated their grief and said goodbye. To honor Galileo, his loved ones decorated his resting place with flowers and lit candles around him. They sang his favorite songs and talked to him one last time, telling him how much they loved and cherished him. They promised to always carry on his legacy and to hold him close in their hearts forever. The funeral was a fitting tribute to Galileo, a dog who had given so much love and joy to those around him. His absence would be felt for a long time, but the memories and lessons he had imparted would live on for generations to come.

Art by Artist

Name 1

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.


Name 2

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.


Name 3

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.


Name 4

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.


Name 5

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.


Name 6

[ Relationship ]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac gravida ex. Duis volutpat ornare rutrum. Ut lacinia turpis a augue consequat, et eleifend diam dignissim. Etiam laoreet urna vitae massa scelerisque, id vehicula diam pulvinar.

Art by Artist

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Art by Artist
Code by Kreftropod