Dominick (League Bandits)




May or may not keep him around. Depends on if I can properly redesign his fit and everything. Hopefully he'll click with me more as time passes.
Writing his details in a hella lazy way, because I'm, y'know, lazy. Lmao.

Former Proxyon soldier turned League Bandit.
Was a pretty damn good soldier during his days in the Proxyon.
Had a son.
Was captured by the League during a raiding of an alien butchering facility. Members of the League came to a conclusion, he could die with honor, or he could join the League and betray his former faction. He chose the former. He had to force himself to move on from his eventual regret and remorse, over time.
Initially, the League had attached a bomb collar to him to ensure that he wouldn't try to "be a hero". He never took it off.
"It makes good neck armor."

Though, it is disabled.
The League had also torn the Proxyon head-chip out of his skull and smashed it to bits, leaving Proxyon higher-ups to assume that he had been murdered by the faction.
His eyes are tinted blue from BlueRay addiction, and his pupils are tinted red from InfraRed addiction due to large amounts of the two drugs passed around League bases.