
6 years, 3 hours ago


⨯ !!!I don't give a fuck 'cause I'm a Millionaire!!! ⨯

Live fast, die hard, and vice versa!
scene kid party animal extraverted
Ada is well grossed in the NYC rave and party scene. Infact she lives her life thinking what party she can go crazy at next. Sex, Drugs, and rock & roll are simply not optional for her ans she does everything in the hopes of chasing her next good time. Not really caring for anything else despite having herself a job to get to at 7 am the next day.
♡ Bright colors
♡ patterns
♡ music, all of it
♡ Rageing parties
♡ energy drinks
⨯ Froyo
⨯ Being bored
⨯ Dullness
⨯ Being told what to do
⨯ Serious people
"where tf are you"
If not at the Froyo place, shes either at a party or rave, sleeping her hangover off at her or her friend's pad, or at the mall shopping. Texting her is a gamble if you will get a text back. And dont get me started if its gonna be cohernet. Just go try to find her. Or ask Rocky. Chances are she knows where ever Ada is.
What's wrong with you?
Color: Hot pink
Food: Spicy ramen
Drink: Red Bull Winter edition
Season: Summer
Music genre: Anything with a good beat
Scary movie: Scream
+ Upbeat + Confidant + Great Listener
- Satter-brained - Unreliablet - Gossipy bitch
When you have her attention and shes sober, she's actually a really great listener, always seeming to know what the person needs, comfort, to vent, shit talking, solutions. She's a people person through and through. Its actually really hard to get Ada genuinely pissed off, her tone might sound like it but typically its minor annoyance that goes away .2 seconds after. This often can cause people around her to think she doesn't actually like them. She does, shes just quite dramatic.
- Partying (duh)
- Getting drunk/high
- Collecting Button Pins
- Making jewlary
- Gets very poor sleep
- Doesn't eat very good
- Kinda hypersexual
- Sholders responsibility on others
- Shows up late or not at all
- Messy





Under your skin
Height: 5'3
D.O.B: 05.26
Eyesight: Poor, Farsighted
Allergies: Seasonal
Physical issues: None, overall soreness
Build: Lean, petite
Activity level: very, she parties like every night
Hearing: Could be better
Blood type: B
Disorders: SUD, Bipolar 2



Look at me!!!
Required traits:
- Clothes
- Dyed hair(underside and bangs)
- hand tattoo/marking

Optional traits:
- Clothes can change style
- Dyed bits of hair can also change color
Designer: B1TE
Fanart Friends/Ships
DGAF til we die!
Name: Adaline 'Ada' Townsend
Age: 22
Species: Cat?
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Status: Party rocking
Party Like a Millionaire

Ada grew up in New York being fairly popular in her highschool. She fucked off alot of her time in school, often skipping class and just not doing her work, going to parties, often where she probably shouldn't be at her age. Though sometimes after all that, she would swing hard the otherway and turn in an insane ammount of late work. Thanks to that little quirk she graduated. Totally worth all the nights she layed in bed crying and feeling worthless (・ω・)b. Her parents were often at their wits end with her and though her graduation should have been a time of celebration, she had to be out of their house by evening, so that sucked! Though shes lucky enough to get an alright place for real cheap after she did a favor for the landlord. Gross but oh well.


Now, she has a job that pays minimumwage and that pretty much gives her what she needs to keep her lifestyle going, turns out its actually really expensive getting into clubs and raves haveing income is actually super cool! I mean sometimes she goes MIA still and she thought that would stop after she graduated and stopped doing all that school stuff that made her feel like shit but she tries not to focus really on the negative stuff. Shes basicly living her best life!
