Maxwell Tailou



8 months, 30 days ago


name ⇢ Maxwell Tailou
age ⇢ 18
birthday ⇢ 6547
orientation ⇢ Panromantic/Pansexual
gender ⇢ Cismale
pronouns ⇢ He/It
species ⇢ Melanistic Kodkod/Guina
height ⇢ 5'8" / 172cm
affiliation ⇢ n/a
colour association ⇢ Electric Purple
mana/magic type ⇢ Electrokinesis / Manipulation of Electricity (Basic-Tier Mastery)
- Despite the name, Maxwell cannot create electricity, only take in, manipulate and store it. So if he wished to use it he would have to take it from another source, (ex, Lightning, Power Outlet)
- Side effect of this is that since he is almost always charged with electricity, making almost anything he touches filled with static electricity.
- He is also a living lightning rod. Nobody wants to be nearby him during storms from fear of being struck by it.
- Does not have good control at expelling the electricity from his body. It is either done wildly from all angles or very pin point through fingertips or tail tip.
life goal ⇢ Be able to find a home with his friend.
playlist ⇢ n/a

⇢ info