Jesse Misen



8 months, 21 days ago


 Jesse Misen 
"Tell me: if the situation required it, could you destroy the world for the ones who you love? Or would you let everything be lost instead?"

Jesse Misen is an attractive young woman with a somewhat startling face. A gun misfire at the age of ten left the right side of her face permanently scarred and her vision in that eye is next to nothing. However, this doesn't discourage her from almost always having a rambunctious smile on her face. She wears simple clothing that includes a pair of tan shorts and a green, tribal top with markings that mimic the facepaint she adorns, as well as a shawl over her right shoulder and a leather pauldron over her left. Large, dark brown, heavily feathered wings protrude proudly from her back, and her hair is always braided to keep it from getting in her face.

Selfish to some, loving to others. Hot-headed and strong-willed.

Jesse is a half-strix, half-human gunslinger who is still figuring life out at the age of twenty four. She loves her partner, Han, very much; and yet, at the same time, she has always been afraid of committment and dreads the day that he will ask her to marry him. For her loved ones, she would do anything. Whereas some would prioritize the needs of the many over the needs of the few, Jesse would save her friends and Han first. In her eyes, the world has always been a rough place where one must make it on their own, so why should she care if it all goes to shit?





