
General Info

Name: Elizabeth Johnson. After she was disowned, she refused to use her last name

Nickname: Liz, but only close friends may call her this

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Relationships and Love Life

Family: Her parents who disowned her, Summer who is her unknown sister, and Emiko who is her sister-in-law

Friends: Jace, who she treats like a brother

Rivals: Emiko; she is always fighting with her for Eren's attention

Crush: Eren (#16)

Boyfriend: Eren

Husband: Eren

Getting In-Depth

Personality: Elizabeth is the type of girl who likes things to get done, regardless of the method used to get it done. She is cold and unforgiving, and resorts to violence in her anger. She likes seeing others' pain, and will prolong their death just for her own pleasure. However, around her gang, she is more friendlier, though one mistake from any of the members can cause her to hurt them in punishment. Despite this, most of the gang understand that her personality comes from her own mental suffering, and they love her all the same. They know that with just enough care, Elizabeth can break away from her internal prison and become a much more happier person.

History: Elizabeth was disowned when she was around 6. She had been problematic and violent since birth, and as hard as she tried, she couldn't restrain herself. Her parents reached their breaking point, and they dropped her off in an orphanage. Any parent(s) brave enough to try and raise her quickly disowned her as well. Frustrated with the fact that no one would love her, she ran away, figuring that she would be strong enough to take care of herself. She was terribly wrong, and ended up starving and sick in an alleyway, near her death. A boy who had also ran away noticed this and took her into his little abandoned building, a place he called home, and treated her until she was healthy. He took care of her more until he was sure that she was prepared to take care of herself. Tearful and grateful, Elizabeth left and with a strong resolve, made a gang. She hopes to maybe meet that same boy who had taken care of her when she was younger. She later met Eren in the park and they got to know one another. After some time, they fell in love, and then Eren proposed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth accepted and they are soon to be wed.

Extra Info

Likes: Violence, Eren, receiving affection, others' suffering, her gang

Dislikes: Peace, being ignored, being disobeyed, disrespect, being annoyed

Other: No.