Claude G. Burial



11 months, 30 days ago


The Mayor of Gluttonia, Claude G. Burial

6’4 | Age ??? | He/Him

Gluttonia  is a storybook town that I can’t tell you if it’s here or there, but I  can tell you that wherever he is, so is his town. 

The town  is filled with fun and whimsy, and has a general spookycute aesthetic,  filled with citizens of all shapes and sizes, from flowerpot crabs to  baseball-playing shadows, to humans! Gluttonia operates on cartoon  logic, so if you wanted, you could ask a door politely to take you to a  place it doesn’t usually lead, and it may just lead you there. Claude  has near complete control over the magic of the town, and is capable of  doing basically anything he can imagine. 

His  “other eye”, the one covered by his hair, is closed up tight. When he  opens it, it’s a swirl of colors that lets him see people’s souls, and  maybe more than that? He doesn’t open it often in front of people. 

“Our little secret, hm~?”

He’s always kind and sweet, though very distractible and a little clumsy, and he enjoys thoroughly being obnoxious on purpose. ("A shrimp fried this rice? That's impressive! My complements to the chef!") Though  Claude spends most of his time painting or napping up in his crooked  clocktower (Running a town is hard work!) he knows what’s going on  throughout the town and will always show up at just the right moment  when he’s needed. 

His main aesthetic feature is the eyes. His cape can  be drawn any number of ways, but it will always be full of eyes. And  the eyes move to look where he looks, any eye in town likely has a mind  of its own. Please please PLEASE go wild with the eye aesthetics. 

The town  has gotten a lot sillier since the Detektive came to town, and that’s a  wonderful thing, he thinks. That said, he still has a bit of a soft spot  for the spooky and the eldritch, though he keeps it away from the  Detektive so they don’t get too scared. If he’s alone, feel free to play  up the spooky!

"Oh, life and death

Will always lead you into love and regret
But you have answers
And I have the key
For the door to Bernadette"

IAMX - Bernadette