Ohsana Senetir



8 months, 21 days ago


 Ohsana Senetir 
"To love is a risk I can no longer afford to take."

Ohsana is an Aasimar, an angelic being who lives to help others. She has the beautiful blond hair and glowing eyes that are common for her race, but the heavy armor she wears is unusual for a cleric. She has a big heart that unfortunately others love to exploit and has been coveted by many evil beings - including her own family members. She once was in love with the king of the land, before he became corruped by evil and turned on everyone he had once protected. Ohsana's life grew even more difficult when her patron goddess cast her aside, leaving her powerless and terrified. But, eventually, she managed to recognize her own internal strength and rose above all of the challenges that the world had thrown at her.

Caring to a fault. Empathetic. Amicable. Strong-willed.

The Senetir family is well known in Nymphaea, but with varying degrees of respect and hatred. Ohsana pledged her service to Mystra at a young age to study magic and develop her knowledge of the arcane. She hopes to stop the dark rituals that her family has been performing, but for now must be satisfied with biding her time for the perfect opportunity. Their secret must never get out, or her parents would be hunted down and their name disgraced forever. She knows that her mother, Harkiza, and father, Bogar, are not inherently bad people. In Ohsana's mind, they are just two individuals who have been corrupted by her maternal grandmother Alvemah in the latter's thirst for power.







  • Was cast aside by her former patron goddess, Mystra, for not being strong enough.
  • Became a worshipper of Bahamut before eventually casting him aside.
  • Has / had two siblings - one brother who died when they were children and a sister who died and was reborn as an undead.
  • Considered a hero of the country for her heroic deeds (but she doesn't actually like it).
  • Her friends.
  • Her (deceased) love, Aldium.
  • Reading, knowledge.
  • The occasional drink.
  • Her sister and her parents.
  • Her wings (she hides them).
  • Spicy or sour foods.
  • Crowds, loud festivities.