
7 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:



feminine nb (she/they)






none yet!

Creation Date:

September 25th 2023


a golem, made of inanimate materials - some organic, some not; paper, feathers, metal and pitch and the like. they’re sapient and independent but that doesnt mean they dont have ingrained golem problems. potentially 3 rules of robotics-style issues? instructions that prevent them from doing certain things / force them to behave particularly. there is an absence of free will in certain situations even for golems who were created fully sapient

Harrow is a templekeeper? guardian of a large shrine & its surrounding grounds? a lot of golems have maintenance/upkeep style purposes but Harrow’s intent and assignment is more unique in that they’re tasked with both manmade and natural area and a pretty wide range. they’re not alone; their temple has a few active practitioners and a trickle of visitors, but they’re largely isolated.

sapient free-choice golems are illegal now and their numbers are dwindling over time; Harrow is one of the later waves, so they’re caught in a weird middle ground of feeling young and inexperienced compared to their peers and old in the grand scheme of golems and other sapients. there’s been a wide reform of golem laws in the past ~50 years and a lot of them have been released from their positions and choose to travel and explore what they can do with their lives, but Harrow is not so sure they want change. they're feeling pressured by those around them to take advantage of the new golem laws and follow the trends of others being "free" and "becoming someone" but.... they like their temple :(

Harrow is serious but softspoken. They don't seek out company but do enjoy it. They're a very good listener with a memory like a bear trap and love gossip and giving advice. though they're a golem and don't really use sarcasm, they can be a little playful. someone you'd describe as having a twinkle in their eye when they speak. u know

Social Connections

none yet!

World Context

Lore coming soon!

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

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