


7 months, 17 days ago


Lots of art i will give to the new owner, files r to big to upload to th
Wworth: 170

sb: 90




-One Soul; One Inner Heart; My God Gift's me Peace

_Male Volsynox_




"My god I am yours, these gifts from you, guide my path each day so I may use this to glorify you and guide your children at your feet"

When this volsynox walks past something, it takes their spirit from the flesh. It is said that it's mane is in reality the evil souls gnashing their teeth to be free, but the volsynox will not allow it, for they only taint the innocent souls, thus he protects.

Basically the mane is made of souls, looks like fire in the shape of chewing maws, sometimes it's like it actually screams.

However capable of controlling when his ability is active

Then it takes the spirit and it joins it's green fire mane

Its meant to inspire fear when the spirit's inside it's host sees it, like a signal

This volsynox is not a tyrant , a seer to the lost.

He is not unfamiliar with being approached, an pleaded to give them a peaceful end.

When they do not want the sick, the creak of age, or the pain of the body anylonger.

Worth: $165 + 1 full illustration art piece [2 full’s + bg scene]

Paid art: 25

trait: hyro 150

Traits? :

Unnatural colored teeth - R

Glowing eyes - R


Quillless - m

Glowing saliva - m

Hairless - m

Overgrown lungs - m

Snaggle teeth- m


Body spikes - L


Split jaw (have) - g

Insect genes? - G