Saralyn Crest



8 months, 8 days ago


Saralyn  Crest is a DnD Sorcerer/Warlock who started out on a quest to find  herself before discovering that it wasn't herself she was seeking at  all. She truly seeks knowledge, and the power that comes with knowing.

Half elf / 5'5 / 22

Born a sorcerer with the gift of prophecy, she's had to learn to control  her magic from a very young age. She's always been told she's powerful,  gifted, so bright at such a young age that she is fiercely dedicated to  proving it.

Her  mother is a working class human from a country that's making strides in  technological advancements, while her father is an elf high up in the  military of a country steeped in old magic. She has older half siblings  on both sides—human on her mothers side, she grew up alongside the twins  Jon and Jessamine who are a decade older than her. Full elven on her  father's side, she's never been terribly close to her brother Elwyn,  nearly a century older.

As a young teen she leaves her mother's house to live closer to her  father and attend a magic school where she hones her craft—though she's  constantly annoyed by the school's limits on magic it deems "forbidden".  At her graduation, she leaves, searching for adventure, knowledge, and  magic.

Then, she gets swept up on a mission to save the world. A cursed plauge  begins to spread, and she's as invested as everyone else to stop it, at  first. She even dies for the cause, once—but she is saved by her  goddess, a goddess of knowledge and the night sky, and she gains even  more power as a Warlock.

Until she starts to get visions of their failure. Again, and again, a  million different ways they could fail and not a single in which they  succeed. What is the way forward, but death? She is terrified of nothing  more than death.

A being from another world takes an interest in her, here, and offers  her a way out. A way out, immortality, limitless knowledge. And she  takes it, telling no one, leaving everyone else behind. 

"The dark doesn't frighten me
I chose to close my eyes
It is mine, it is mine
The night doesn't frighten me
I chose to let it thrive
It is mine, it is mine"
- Ribs (The Crane Wives)

Playlist (in order!)