
8 months, 8 days ago


A  masked friend comes up to greet you, though you cannot see the smile on  his face, you can see it in his posture and hear it in his voice. He  makes a series of gestures as he talks passionately with you.




Cis male [He/Him]




A sturdy and strong build, with thick, practical muscle. 


Ekeir  works as a guide through the now wasteland of a once thriving desert.  On the horizon lays the City-- the cyberpunk setting most of my other  characters are from, but he left the city long ago and has little  intention of returning. He knows the stars and is talented as a guide.  He is a man with a full history, and many, many stories to tell. 

Suffice to say there is reason enough he is out here. He has never been one to back down when rights are being threatened. 


He  is a nonviolent man, though he enjoys the art of sparing, and it is  vital to be able to defend himself out here. As such, he fights  primarily with his dueling canes, an ancient weapon he has come to be  quite skilled with. In this high tech age, he finds the edge of them  being unexpected quite helpful. Plus, they're nonlethal.