MasqueradeOfGuilt BLACK LIST



8 months, 28 days ago


This person is defaming me!

MasqueradeOfGuilt this user blocked me because I made a comment where I asked him if a character he had was free and I told him why I wanted it and what I would use it for. 

 BECAUSE I FOUND THE CHARACTER WITH THE FREEBIE TAG.  For no one in TH it is strange to use the search---> Tag FREEBIE.  It is the usual way in which many TH users managed to adopt characters for free. 

It is customary that when a character with the Freebies tag is found, the owner is asked if it is free and if there is the possibility of adopting it, attaching a short explanation of what the character would be used for, it is quite common and it is always practical I have done it politely and kindly, it is reflected in my comment but this person says he can't stand comments. OwO? What does it mean?  Why didn't he approach me first explaining this?  Why blacklist me without explanation and treat me so badly in your publication without talking to me first?

 This person responded curtly and then blocked me.  What angers me is that she blocks me and then puts me on her blacklist with the excuse that she can't stand the way I asked her (I wasn't rude or ill-mannered, you can see in the screenshots how I wrote my comment and how he responded to me.) I think it is an offense that he treats me that way and blacklists me (my friends sent me these screenshots when they saw my profile published in this way) and I have the right to defend myself and demonstrate with facts that I am not I'm to blame and I shouldn't be ashamed either when he could have explained to me like a normal and polite person that the character was not available and that I made a mistake, just telling me to delete my comment was enough, but this person decides to cross me off his blacklist. unilaterally when he was able to approach me through a private message telling me to please don't do that.  

Believe me, i would have gladly and kindly agreed and even offered an apology, but this person is aggressive in his comments towards me and I cannot tolerate that.

  I attach the screenshots so you can see his behavior.

Update: I just found out from a friend who passed me the following screenshots. This person participated with a WTA for the same character and in the other screenshot you see how the other person passed TODAY, SEPTEMBER 24, THE CHARACTER. and just an hour ago he responded to me when he, the character, already received it quite some time ago. YOU EVEN SEE THE DATES AND TIMES. THIS PERSON IS DEFIMATING ME WITHOUT FOUNDATION AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. I'm sorry but this is too much for me, I am a person who suffers from anxiety and seeing this makes me very sick, the screenshots speak for themselves.