Executioners Sorrow



8 months, 27 days ago


Not sure what happened here T-T Will have to fix later
Executioners Sorrow EK191
Executioners Sorrow
Es, X, Executioner
Gender & Pronouns
Male (He/Him)
Fur - Subspecies
Lean Koinos
Horn - Tail
Saber - Classic
Fuchsia with Blush Burn Cupid Hood
Free Marks
Minimal Black

A forlorn, cryptic gravekeeper with a chronically sad face and a haunted past riddled with rumors.

A rather fornlorn sort of dude with a haunted past, Es is a gravekeeper in the town he lives in. He can be friendly and polite, but he often comes off as gloomy and cold, and sometimes says things in rather cryptic ways. The concept of death doesn't seem to bother him the same way it has others, and speaks of it as if its an old friend. Despite all this, and his chronically sad appearance, Es is pretty content with his life as it is.

He doesn't like to talk about his past much, but sometimes if you're lucky you'll learn a piece through some cryptic comment. No one really knows the full story, and naturally this has caused a lot of rumors, many of which surround the origins of his chosen name. The most popular one is that he used to be an executioner in some far-away place, and he had to execute someone he cared for deeply, perhaps a partner or family member. They say also that before this happened, his markings were simply the "executioners hood" and a light purple heart on his chest. The grief effected him so thouroughly that his heart turned black, tears stained his face blue, and his limbs began to darken as if he was trudging through his own sins.

There is also a rumor surrounding his fangs which is popular with the local children, claiming that he is a vampire and the graveyard where he works is filled with his victims. This one, however, is silly and farfetched, and even though he'll never confirm or deny the other rumors, this one he will dismiss with light amusement. Although, when young ones are lurking around the graveyard at night causing mischief, he does take great pleasure in using that rumor to his advantage in startling them off.


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design notes
  • There is a subtle difference in color on his head that shows the outline of a hood-like marking. Click the photo at the top to see the outline.
  • Chronically Sad Face, complete with eyeliner.
  • Ears are often drooped downwards, but do have a full range of motion.
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