


8 months, 13 days ago




Tinykit || Tinypaw || Possumtail

Silver Smoke Cat with med white, stripes on legs/face/tail and amber eyes


Age :: Young Adult
Gender :: Demiboy - He/They/It
Orientation :: Asexual Demiromantic
Mate/crush :: --
Kits :: --



Possumtail is an extremely skittish cat. Between fight or flight, this little kitty is going to fly up out of any stressful situation. Being larger than most of the warriors his age, you could think it would be ready to take on any given opponent, but this cat avoids confrontation at any chance. Most of his fighting is done to make a point and to finish a situation as soon as possible, while maintaining its own health and well-being. They are, however, an avid hunter and easily dispatches pray in swift powerful blows. When hunting, it is totally in control of its surroundings, and is completely in tune with its environment.



Possumtail began life as the smallest kitten in its litter, being named Tinykit for it. Being the runt, it never ventured far from its mother even on outtings and getting to know the camp. When it came time to be an apprentice, it was very excited to train under a kind and warm she-cat. He learned the basics from her and got the hang of hunting fairly quickly. He was unable to finish his tenure with her however when she became a queen, and he was handed over to a tall tom cat to finish his training. He held on to hope that things would improve, but already cats were coming up missing and being sent on patrols posed huge risks to all cats envolved.

His fears began to get the better of him on these patrols and he began to jump at the smallest rustles in the undergrowth. It was one faithful nighttime patrol that his worst fears were realized- a two legger machine crossed their pathway and caught his tail in its teeth as everyone was fleeing. He fought against the two legger that came to get him, and he left with a bald tail and a story to tell. At camp, healing took time that they just didn't have, as they were discussing the fleeing of their home. His current mentor soon defected from the colony, and his prev. queen mentor was collected in the raid that was the final straw for the group of cats. 

Broken or not, Tinypaw was determined to leave with his clan- although he didn't share how much of that decision was based on the fear of being left behind to fight off the two legger invaders. On this trek his tail healed but left permanent scarring baldness. Although his tail healed his internal fears never did, although he did his best to work for the clan and soon grew into a tall, strong tom cat with an uncanny hunting ability. He was given the rank of Possumtail before they reached their island home.