Beary Beloved



7 months, 12 days ago

Basic Info




Toon [she/her]


Party Pals




Beary Beloved is a creative Toon always looking for her next big inspiration. She came to Toontown looking to set her painting career off on the right foot and landed a small studio in the cozy Acorn Acres. She's very kind and full of personality and is always up for a round of cog busting or helping out her friends!

  • The Cogs

Like most Toons, the Cogs can be a source of headaches for our bear here by trying to take over her studio, but she finds them more fascinating than anything. There are a handful of notable Cogs that she's taken a liking to; a certain fast-footed Sellbot, a basement dwelling brainiac, and log-sawing Bossbot to name a few. A number of her paintings have featured the robots and she's not one to turn a client away for being made of metal.
She'll take any opportunity to learn more about the Cogs and can be found trying to pop in on her favorites from time to time.

  • Beary and Brian

Beary is a firm believer that Toons and Cogs can one day be neighbors and the first one that grabbed her interest was the Prethinker. A proclaimed 'cog of intellect', he wasn't a big fan of her friends crashing into his private courters and fought back accordingly, but there was something about him that kept her coming back after every victory. One day she snuck down into the school basement alone to see if the Cog would be open to conversing but was met by Desk Jockeys ready to throw her out. The Prethinker scoffed, commenting how idiotic it was to try and face him alone, but his intrigue was piqued when she expressed a genuine desire to hear him out. Not even fellow Suits wanted to sit around and listen to his rambling, but this Toon is willing to? How strange...

He slowly started to find her company pleasant, having chats any chance they got after the usual beatdowns and eventually forgoing fights all-together. It seemed he had finally found someone who understood his mind and who fascinated him as well. Brian isn't the artistic type, but Beary brought new and interesting concepts through her work that left him wanting to learn more. "Maybe some Toons aren't so simple-minded... How fascinating!"
The two had found themselves enthralled in eachother and began dating soon after, the duo have been going strong ever since. Who knew a redditor brainiac could also be a romantic?